

Little one...
I love you my son, I miss you everyday, I hate that im the one, who never sees your face, I wonder what you learned today, without you im lost and out of place, I cry because my boy is so very far away . I wish I knew your voice, im sure thst its since changed, I didn't want you to go, but that wasnt daddy's choice, its not what he arranged. I know that im your father but im nowhere near your dad, and the time ive missed it hurts and bothers father bad. He cries at night and doesnt sleep a wink, he didn't want to fight, and now he doesn't want to feel or think. I dream of you in my arms often when i sleep, and I wake up in a daze and reach for you, and thats when father weeps, the empty space is laughing at me, it rubs it in my face. I miss your face and smile, all the time thats gone has been my greatest loss its gine without a trace, I just want to hold my child. I die a bit more with every passing day, I wonder what your mom had left for, why she took my son away. I want to be a dad, I want to have back what I once had, family should stick together but I guess thats no longer the case, instead abandon dad and run like mom is in a race. I wonder what its like to see you everyday, I wonder what its like to hold you and to sit and play. Your mother doesn't need me, sometimes I dont hear from her for days, she doesn't understand what she does to me, or how it hurts in every way. I beg and plead with no success, so arguments ensue and we proceed to just regress, im left depressed anxious and worried. Alone my hearts a mess, I hate this, and tears leave my vision blurry. I love my son but its been months since ive seen his smile and dimples on his face, I wish that mom and I could reconcile, it'd be simple but instead its time we waste. Family should be together, through thick and thin, rain or any weather, struggles build the skin into a stronger polished leather but whatever. I guess its not what mom wants or at least thats how it seems. But whatever. I guess weve never been a team, theres no together, all alone i sit and think what this all means, but whatever. I love you son, and nothing can ever change your father's dream.