

A Fairytale Dream
I had a dream last night.
I was standing in the midst of a valley of flowers,
Experiencing the most serendipitous hours.
The wind adorned me with its gentlest caress,
Wrapping me in its pleasant embrace.
My hair was loose and flying,
With dreams and love undying.
The clouds above my head formed a crown,
Moonlight decked me in a stunning silver gown.
Then the rain began to fall heavily,
Raindrops hugged the ground merrily.
My heart, reborn, a child's again,
As I was in that dream, kissed by the rain.
Butterflies danced to the rhythm of my aura,
My vibrations were alluring like the Aurora.
I was scented by wet flowers' caress,
A moonbow formed in the sky and on my dress.
Birds and I sang together,
A symphony of a lifetime to remember.
The sky later lifted her grey veil,
It felt like I was in a fairytale.
I was loved by the nature in that dream,
I was me, just me in that dream.

© Shreya N.B.