


In the roaring storm, a paper boat sets sail,
Through crashing waves, it weathers the gale.
Folded with care, in delicate art,
It embarks on a journey, a story to impart.

Tossed and turned by the tempest's might,
Yet it dances on, a brave little light.
Symbol of resilience, in the face of despair,
It glides through chaos with grace so rare.

Though fragile in form, its spirit soars high,
Defying the odds, reaching for the sky.
In the darkest of nights, it finds its way,
Guided by hope, through the disarray.

So let the storm rage, let the winds wail,
The paper boat's journey, a resilient tale.
Through trials and tribulations, it finds its way,
A beacon of strength, come what may.
© Blackprincess