

I Want to be Niave Again
I want to be naive again.

I want to smile and laugh, jump over sidewalk cracks.

Though, I don't seem to have energy for that.

To twist my lips, or summon a noise that I don't know if exists.

To make my foot go one inch further over a crack will make my soul itch.

What if I stumble?
What if I fall?
What if the noise I summon is the ugliest of all?
What if the smile I try doesn't seem right?

I want to be naive again.

If naive is not caring if i fit in. If naive is knowing the challenges, but facing them with bravery within. If naive people are smiling to the sun and saying morning even though, scientifically, the raging ball of mother fire won't respond.

If that is naive.

Then I would like to dance with stars. I would like to feel bizarre, I would like to jump over sidewalk cracks, smile, and laugh.

I would like to be naive again.