


We have some seasons
Summer,winter and rainy
Seasons are the part of nature
and human beings and so many
Creatures in the universe for ever

The each and every pages in the books are the new chapter of life
Hence seasons are the part
of the life of the human being and
All creatures in the world,lasting

In winter,falling of snow creates
an icy-surface on the trees and
plants,Trees loses its charm that
we get in the spring season
In the spring,trees and plants
always happy by bestowing fruits
and different colourful flowers
and it's fragrance that humans and all like it very much in the world by human
for ever and ever in the world

But in winter we can't hear the
Sweetest and melodious songs
Of the singing birds in the nature
They always keep silence without
Merriment and joyful movements

Humans also suffers a lot of
In the winter with out doing
Task ,work and other activities
Churches, mosques and temples
And it's surroundings covers
With snow, deities get a low visit
from the loyals priests and devote

Winter causes the decline of the smoothness and delicacy of the life possessed by the creatures and human beings in the univers
creation of the path not in smoothness

So,human beings ,plants and animals get the lessons from the severe winter,What is it?Life is not same always , that's different
But winter gives inspiration to all
For struggling to live on the earth
It increases the tendency of the activation of strong and firm mental capacity in humans

To all,it provides power and boldness to struggle in life by the human and all
So every seasons are the part of life and nature gifted by almighty.Dont be upset struggle against the conflicts with best confidence and responsibilities
Accept the seasons with pleasure
Satisfaction and propitious by all


‘ Winter ‘ the poem written by BIJU.S.His life experience in Northern winter persuades him to write the poem.We have seasons like summer,winter and rainy.All these seasons have it's own right marvellous Specifications.Winter affects all human beings ,animals and creatures in the Universe.It is the continuation of new and new chapters of the life of human beings and all creatures in the earth like the lesson in the books .That we want to learn in School. The severe winter is an inspirable
It gives inspiration to all humans,
plants and animals for existence.
The hardships,sufferigns in winter make humans ,birds and animals
bold and contented.It give special
capacity to fight against conflict
and unfavourable situation in life.
So we accept winter and other all seasons with satisfaction and a
fresh confidence.Life is a struggle
Hence,winter and summer also a
Struggle due to intense hot and
heavy cold.In the spring we hear
melodiuos and sweetest songs of
the singing birds.We hear chatter
of the birds and animals.Also we
get ripe fruits and fragrant flowers
we can dance of peacocks and song of nightingale.The fresh and
potable water that we get in best spring.All humans and features get fresh air to breath.The old young and babies and all the creatures remain always happy. We know spring season is also known as the queen of season The poets get elevation to write the different poems about the beauty of nature and other topics.So poet urges to readers to face the troubles and conflicts in life
with strong credence and secure
traction in life on earth forever….
