

A Tangled Web
Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive.
With each falsehood spun, a knot is tied,
Binding us tighter, in deceit's dark tide.

At first, it may seem like a harmless game,
But soon, we find ourselves ensnared in shame.
Cause lies beget lies, then tangled like a chain
As truth becomes elusive, like drops of rain.

And in the shadows of deception's art,
We lose ourselves, even our very heart.
For trust once broken, is hard to mend,
And in its wake, wounds are never fully tend.

Therefore, let's strive for honesty's light,
And navigate life's web with truth in sight.
Cause a thread of lies, woven with care,
In the end will bind and brings despair.

So let us beware, of the webs we weave,
Because in deceit's, we may then grieve.
Choose the path of truth, however hard it may be,
For in its light, we will find freedom, and our spirits free!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo