

Revolving over the years
In sounds my soul can no longer fathom
No longer at ease these days
It spins its finest footprint to bloodlines
Its theme a solo to snowlines
The soft wind rushing blows
I feel it, I feel it in my soul

I feel it, I feel it in my soul
The soft wind rushing blows
It's theme a solo to snowlines
It spins its finest footprint to bloodlines
No longer at ease these days
In sounds my soul can no longer fathom
Revolving over the years

No longer at ease days
In sounds my soul can no longer fathom
It spins its finest footprint to bloodlines
Its theme a solo to snowlines
Revolving over the years:
I feel it I feel it in my soul
The soft wind rushing blows

The soft wind blows
It's theme a solo to snowlines
It spins its finest footprint to bloodlines
No longer at ease these days
I feel it, I can feel it
Revolving over the years
In sounds my soul can no longer fathom
© Damdelz