

The Gentle Call
In the stillness of the night,
When all the houses around are hushed,
You hear it, soft and clear,
A sound that breaks the quiet.

Chu chu chu...it goes,

Each night, at the same time,
It echoes through the neighborhood,
A gentle, calling rhyme.

What thoughts stir in your mind,
As you hear the call?

Chu chu chu, it goes again...

"Do you hear it? once more it came"
They would go on saying...

They'll pause in their kitchen,
the evening's tasks at hand,
Pondering the source, the meaning behind
that nightly, tender chant,

Chu chu chu, it calls.

Is it a call for love?
A whisper to the stars?
Or a summoning of spirits,
Wandering from afar?

"Do you think it's someone lost?"
They wonder in the quiet,
When they hear that soft refrain,
That nightly, tender call.

Once again, it softly goes

Chu chu chu,

They peek through their curtains,
to see what's their maze,
A silhouette, soft and slight
comes across their gaze...

Just a young boy, with a plate in hand
Calling to the stray cats,
Feeding them, in the night's quiet stand.

Each night he climbs the stairs above
With a gentle voice of love,
A sound that fills the quiet of the night,
With tender care and a simple delight.

© #Sherlocked