

With You
You sat with me under the shade of the trees,
Reading out the words that made no sense,
Not once did you lose faith,
Or let me be,
The slow and steady learner,
The butt of all the jokes,
Duffer! Failure! And more...
Even when I felt like screaming you held me back,
How and when your grips had turned so strong and steady?
You knew I wasn't in the right mood,
I tried covering my ears with my hair,
I distanced myself with a book,
Even then, you didn't let me be.
You hands slip behind my back,
Your breathe was refreshing and consoling,
Your touch awoken spirits in me.
I should admit, I really felt great.
I looked at you in the eyes and realise even in my worst situatons you will always be by myside.
"I love you."
© halkenage