

Deafeningly Loud Screams
A cry is heard from deep down
So loud, but yet so quiet
It is Deafeningly Loud
I can hear it but others can't
It gets louder and quieter
Confusing and anguish engulf me
Getting sucked into my feelings and emotions
I scream louder yet no one can hear me
Begging for help, I wither and wilt like a flower in summer
I'm broken, shattered and damaged, never to be seen, touched, loved nor cherished by anything or one
Lost in time, forgotten in history
Left to die out
A cry is heard from deep down
So loud, but yet so quiet
It is Deafeningly Loud
Because I'm smiling and laughing on the outside
But broken shattered and damaged on the inside
Loneliness is the only thing I can feel apart from sadness and nothingness