

new version of [one and only]
[a #writco.in poem]

One times one equals one,
My father, my mother, singular and done.
They gave birth to me, a single soul,
To experience life, to explore and know.

To see the world in all its grace,
To know myself and find my place,
To explore the depths of human mind,
To change the world, one step at a time.

To mind my own business, I strive,
Independent and strong, I thrive.
Born alone, I'll die alone,
But in between, I'll make my own way home.

I impress myself, I encourage too,
Loving who I am, with all my flaws anew.
I enjoy being one, unique and true,
Here I stand, a singular "one", that's me, through and through.

-Roy Johane Gama
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