

The Sadist...Part 14
“We were but after this we will be returning to PMZ-2 today.” But… But… we were going to get married.
“Reeves…” He turns to look at me and his emotionless mask is back.
“We don’t have time for such nonsense things Jo. There are more important things that need to be done, get over it.” I flinch, he might as well have just hit me with his hand. I won’t cry in front of these men. I pull away from Lamier who at first doesn’t let go. I growl at him.
“Unhand me Lamier.” He does; I walk over to Donavan,
“Come on Honey.” Donovan is standing as still as a statue. I don’t need to follow his line of sight to know he is glaring at his dad. He has a knife in his hand, ready to defend his mommies honor. I touch his shoulder and he finally looks at me.
“Come on honey, we have more important things we could be doing right now.” Donavan follows me into the kitchen. I grab the counter to steady myself. Donovan wraps his arms around my waist and squeezes.
“Are you ok mommy?” My son shouldn’t have to deal with this, he’s only 6.
“I’m fine my love, go grab your box of things. We don’t want to lose them.” He squeezes me again before letting me go and scampering off. I look up and take a deep breath, my eyes land on an expensive looking coffee maker. My blood starts to boil as I stare at the pot. My life wasn’t the best but it was mine. He came in, kidnapped me and declared I was his. He poisoned me more than once and tattoo’d my body while I was unconscious. After all that I still fall in love with him and now he disgustingly throws me to the side like I don’t matter. In a fit of rage I grab the pot and throw it across the kitchen. The pot shatters against the cupboard and I’ll admit I do feel a little better. I grab the machine just as Reeves and Lamier run into the room with Vanolin. I toss the machine on the ground and kick it. Reeves glares at me and Lamier smirks leaving Vanolin to just look scared. I give Reeves a satisfied grin of defiance. Lamier looks at Reeves,
“You’re paying for that.” Reeves steps toward me,
“Come here.” I step around the counter out of reach.
“I am not one of your soldiers. We are going to get married before returning to PMZ-2. I am important and you will not push me aside like some piece of trash. This is not debatable!” Vanolin gasps and Lamier starts to laugh. Reeves face softens as he steps around the counter. This time I don’t move, I know he won’t hurt me. When Reeves gets to my side he lowers onto one knee and lifts a small box up; opening it.
“Jolene McManus, will you do me the honor of being my wife?” The ring is gorgeous, a silver or white gold band with diamonds and deep blue stones. I just stare at it, then him. He plows on,
“You can donavan are the most important people in my life. I said something I shouldn’t have in a fit of anger. I thought someone trying to take you away makes my blood boil. I want him dead sooner rather than later. Please, wear my ring, lets kill the bastard and then we will have the wedding you deserve.” Tears fills my eyes and I sniffle nodding quickly. I had no idea he had already bought a ring, he made comments but I thought that’s all they were.
“Yes, yes!” I lunge at him and take him to the ground. Reeves grunts with impact to the ground and I attack him with kisses. Reeves holds me to him and crushes his mouth to mine in a punishing kiss. Lamier clears his throat loudly.
“Should we leave the room?” I pull away from Reeves and chuckle.
“Ha, like you would leave.” I roll off of Reeves and get to my feet. Reeves smoothly rolls up to his feet and pulls the ring from the box, placing it on my finger.
“Lieutenant Vanolin please get that transport for us within the hour. We have something to take care of before we leave.
“Yes sir, it will be done.” Vanolin nods and leaves the room. Lamier claps Reeves on the back.
“Congratulations, you still owe me a coffee pot.” I blush,
“Sorry about that Lamier, drastic measures needed to be taken.” Lamier fluffs my hair,
“No worries sugar, there gone. How about we go interrogate our would be kidnapper?” I nod,
“Let’s do it.” Donavan walks into the room,
“Can I come in now?” He’s holding his box of valuables.
“Oc course you can, but mommy, daddy and uncle Lamier have to talk to the man in the hidden room.” Reeves squeezes my hand.
“Actually, why don’t Lamier and I handle it. You stay out here with Donavan so he won’t be alone.” I’m about to put my foot down when a scream fills the air from another room.
“Lamier! Lamier! Where are you?” Lamier runs from the room for the living room, Jia!
“I’m here, I’m ok!” We all run after him and find him holding a shaking Jia. She pulls back and starts touching him all over.
“What happened, are you injured?” Lamier fills her in and she sighs deeply.
“I’m glad no one is hurt. Tell me you’re going to kill them because if the answer is no I’ll do it myself!” I smile, she and I are going to be good friends. I step toward her.
“I’m sorry I brought this into your home Jia. Yes they will be taken care of. We caught one of them alive, we were just going to interrogate him. Will you please sit with Donavan while we do?” She waves a hand at me.
“You have no need to be sorry and of course I will sit with him.” I nod in thanks.
“Be good Donovan, this won’t take long. Come on guys.” Lamier walks over to a drawer and pulls out a present; he hands it to Donavan.
“This was going to be your birthday present but I know you could use it now.” Donavan rips it open revealing six new knives.
“Yes! Thank you uncle Lamier!” I’d glare at Lamier but I can own it, Donovan is pretty good with those things. I give my little man a hug and walk back to the other room; Lamier and Reeves follow. Once I’m in the other room Reeves whips me around by my shoulders.
“This could get ugly Jo, you should stay with Jia.” I shake my head.
“I come from an ugly Dome Reeves, I have seen much torture and interrogation. You can’t phase me. Let’s get it over with.” He nods and lets me go.
“Ok, but if it becomes to much…”
“It won’t.” Lamier has the door open so I walk in first. The man is awake now and looks angry. I give him a swift kick to the stomach and he groans. Reeves unties him and puts him in a chair tying his hands to the arm rests and then his feet. Reeves punches him in the mouth before speaking. The man drools blood.
“This can go two ways. 1, you tell me everything now or 2, we will torture it out of you. Decide now.” The man grins and blood runs down his chin.
“I will tell you nothing, kill me now.” Reeves takes off his jacket.
“I was hoping you would say that.” Lamier hands Reeves a small metal box. When Reeves hits the button it starts to click. He touches it to the man’s arm and his whole body tenses. He’s electrocuting him. He holds it to him for a few seconds before pulling back.
“WHat does Sergio want with the girl? Who got you here to this dome?” The man breathes deeply before sputtering.
“Fuck you Guard.” Another shock from Reeves.
“I don’t like repeating myself.” The man is sweating when Reeves lets go but when he looks up it’s not Reeves he looks at, it’s me.
“Fuck you too bitch, you’ll get what’s coming to you soon.” I walk over to the wall and grab a knife, this is taking to long.
“Fuck me? You forget I come from the same place you do. Don’t let this pretty dress fool you.” I grab his hand and stab it straight down into his hand; he screams. I quickly grab two more knives and use one to stab his other hand securing them both to the wooden arm rests. His blood curdling screams fill me with a sick joy.
“Answer the questions.” He doesn’t speak but shakes his head no. I use my third knife to pop off three finger nails in rapid succession. He screams so I smack him and pop 2 more fingers and then I move to his other hand. I pop the thumbnail off and he screams,
“Stop, stop, I’ll tell you.” Two more nails for good measure.
“Spill it now because I’m thinking your toenails will be next.” I step back and look at Reeves, I’ve never seen a shocked look on his face before but there it is. I smile a wicked grin as the man starts talking.
“Sergio has wanted you for a long time. He was pissed that you turned him in and then started fucking this guy. He wants you back, he wants to tie you up, hurt you, fuck you till you die from the multiple repeats. He has plans, you will be his.” When he smiles it’s more of a grimace, his teeth are covered in blood. I smile back at him.
“His plans are?” He shakes his head,
“No one but him knows the specifics.” I nod.
“Good, you’re useless to me now.” I turn my blade sideways and stab it into the side of his chest sinking it 8 inches to the hilt. He sputters tons of blood from his mouth, his head drops forward and he’s dead. The room is silent until Lamiers voice fills the air.
“Reeves, remind me to never piss her off.” I turn to them and they are both staring at me like they’ve never seen me before. I shrug,
“He tried to kill you and my son. He should have thought twice; Hell hath no fury, like that of a woman scorned. You’re way was taking to long.” Reeves lets out a long breath.
“Remind me of the same Lamier. I won’t be able to help you get rid of the body, transport will be here soon.” Lamier shrugs.
“I won’t need help, just send word when you get the bastard. Speaking of which is he still in PMZ-2 or was he on that transport?”
“I believe he is still in PMZ-2, there’s too much risk in coming here. He likely sent those men on a suicide mission knowing they would fail to scare Jo. He knows I’m in charge of PMZ-2 and that Jo will be back there. We need to find out who’s feeding him information.” We leave the dark snake room and find Jia and Donovan eating a snack in the kitchen. The dark panel on the wall lights up and peeps. Reeves touches it.
“Captain Tollie, this is Mevins, we are just outside your docking station. Permission to dock requested.” Reeves holds his finger to the pad,
“Permission granted Mevins.” Well Reeves is awfully trusting considering what we just went through not to long ago.
“Who’s Mevins?” We all follow Reeves into the living room though this time we all hide to the side.
“Mevins is a code word I came up with during training. Only a handful of men know it, it means everything is secured, locked and loaded. Reeves hits the button on the wall and the transport door opens. This time men in a Guard uniform step off into the room. They are armed. They see us standing of to the side and lower there weapons.
“Captain Reeves, we are ready to leave when you are.” Reeves nods and turns to Lamier.
“Stay safe, always interesting see you, until we meet again brother.” They hug. I hug Jia and then Lamier.
“Thank you both for all you have done. When this is all taken care of you have to come visit.” They both nod. Donovan hugs Lamier.
“I’ll miss you Uncle Lamier.” Lamier latches onto Donovan.
“I’ll miss you too little buddy, take care of your momma.” With the goodbyes done Donovan and I follow Reeves into the transport. It’s similar to the one that brought us here but this one I can tell was built for the Guard. Less seating, more artillery. Reeves takes Donovan's box and secures it to the wall. I see a row of three seats along the side of the transport and put Donovan in the middle.
“Buckle up, this these things can move pretty fast.” When everyone is buckled Reeves talks to me over the top of Donavan’s head.
“This transport was built for speed. It’ll take twenty minutes tops to get back to PMZ-2 instead of 2 hours.” I grab my seat when we jerk to the side during take off.
“Is this thing safe? You know I hate flying!” Donovan giggles,
“I love flying. I want to be a pilot one day.” Well that’s just great.
“Well of course you do, it’s dangerous.” This time Reeves laughs with him.
“We are perfectly safe Jo, just breath. It will be over soon.” Donovan engages Reeves in a conversation throughout transport while I work my hands together. What seemed like an eternity later the pilot announces that we have docked. My muscles finally relax and I quickly realize how sore I am. I was tensed the entire time. I definitely like the other transport better, less jerky.
Some of the Guard that accompanied us exit the transport first. I see darts hit them both in the neck before they fall down.A can flies past me and explodes in a bright flash and bang. A white smoke fills the air so I can’t see anything and I can’t hear due to the bang. Reeves and Donavan are behind me so I turn around, I can’t see them. Hands from behind grab me and pull me off the transport. My hearing is shot; I know I am screaming but I can’t hear it.
I fight the hands holding me but there are to many and they’re strong. The hands keep pulling me back until I am out of the smoke. I hear a muffled.
“Sergio isn’t going to believe this. It couldn’t have been easier.” I fight harder, I know what he has in store for me.
“Dumb bitch.” Something sharp pokes me in the neck and the white smoke turns gray before turning black as I go unconscious.

As I wake it’s feeling I get back first. I remember enough about what happened to know not to move. My arms hurt, slowly I get more back and realize I’m hanging by my wrists.
“Go ahead and open your eyes Jolene, I know you’re awake.” Sergio! I open my eyes and then lift my head. Sergio is standing directly in front of me. He has no shirt on just low rise jeans. My once happy friend looks so angry.
“I knew getting you back would be difficult, but now I have you back where you belong. You’re home.” His eyes roam down my body and back up; he licks his lips.
“I’m going to enjoy this Jo, I’m not sorry you won’t.” He smacks my left breast hard and I gasp. I don’t have time to think anything through as Sergio continues to slap my breasts before ending with a solid punch to each one. I scream.
“There you go baby, scream for me.” Sergio turns away from me and grabs a thin practice sword made of bamboo threads. He circles me striking me in random places, my back, my legs, my stomach. Tears are streaming down my cheeks when he finally throws the stick down.
“Now that you’re good and softened up…” Sergio steps back in front of me. He comes in close and licks the tears off of my cheeks.
“Beautiful!” He grabs my hips and squeezes them. He breathes in deeply,
“I’ve dreamed of this day for a long time. You’re finally mine.” His hands move up to my breasts and he squeezes and caresses. I whimper in pain.
“Yeah, you like that. It’s ok Jolene, enjoy it, that Guard won’t ever touch you again.” I release a sob. I pray we are still in PMZ-2. There are only so many places to hide and Reeves is good at finding me. How could I have not know my friend was so damn creepy? I’ve known him practically my whole life.
“I know what you need…” Sergio bends down and sucks my right nipple into his mouth as his hand invades between my legs. My body jerks in resistance but Sergio uses it to plunge his fingers harshly inside of me. I scream and buck violently.