

The Fruit
He tended to his garden every evening, delicately pruning and trimming, removing weeds with slender beautiful hands. Derry watched him in pure fascination from her window looking into his yard, wishing she was the one under his delicate care. Her neighbour of two months and the object of her fantasies.

Derry pulled away from the window as he retreated back into his house with a determined expression on her beautiful face.
Today would be different. Her week long plan would finally be put into action. Her quiet house bore no sound as she walked to her kitchen, to the bowl of ripe juicy fruits on the counter.
With a smile, she selected an apple. Red like sin.

The walk to her neighbour’s house was short. She stepped out of her front door, crossed the neatly trimmed lawn he cut every three weeks—with his shirt off and his skin glistening with sweat, and walked up to his front porch.
She gave three sharp knocks, slipping on a friendly smile, clasping her hands holding the apple at her back and waited.

Hearing a light shuffle inside the house, the door soon opened, revealing her neighbour in a low-waist, baggy sweatpants and no shirt. A silver chain dangled from his neck, reflecting the porch light in a way Derry found alluring.
If he only he knew what he did to her then he wouldn't tempt her so.

Her gaze met his open, smiling gaze.
“Hey, Derry. What’s up,” he said with a sweet grin.

Your girlfriend is so lucky, she thought dryly.

“I remember you saying you like apples. So I got a few, it is so good I decided to bring one for you and maybe you could trade me some bell peppers for it,” she explained in a casual tone. Then produced the apple from behind her with flourish. It made him chuckle.
His eyes glanced at the apple she held out to him and her smiling face, lingering a second longer before he opened the door wider.
“Well come in then.” He took the apple from her.
Derry entered, suppressing her triumphant smile. His girlfriend wouldn’t be coming tonight she made sure. She stopped halfway, gesturing for him to lead the way. He chuckled again. A good sign in her book.

He led her to the kitchen. A cutting board with diced tomatoes were on the counter, a pot stood on the unlit stove and an apron laid beside it.

“Whats for dinner?” she asked conversationally.
“I don’t know yet. Trying something new.” He moved to the sink and began washing the apple under the faucet. Derry laughed internally, he wouldn’t be able to wash of such a powerful spell with ordinary water.

Fresh vegetables from his garden filled a crate on the floor. She spotted bell peppers, stooped down to pick them. “May I?” Not waiting for a response she picked two from the pile.
As she straightened she found him staring intently at her. The plunging neckline of her sundress revealed the sensuous curve of her soft and full chest that captivated his attention. Warmth swirled in her belly at the way his eyes caressed her skin.

He blinked, momentarily breaking the quiet spell. “Are those enough for you?”
“Yes, they are,” she answered in the exact moment that he bit into the apple. The warmth in her belly spread throughout her body. He was all she wanted, all she could think about. That body over her, her legs wrapped around him, her back sinking into his bed.
“Mmm, this is really good,” he said, nodding in appreciation and taking a bigger bite.
"Where did you get it?"

“Come here and I’ll tell you,” she said with a flirtatious grin, pouting her lips. No surprise, he pushed away from the sink and walked to her slowly, a delicious grin on his face.
A powerful force passed in-between them, something wild and sexual and primal. She could see the desire warring in his eyes, feel the lust in the heat of his body next to her. He couldn’t fight the need to crush her body against his and wet heat flared between her legs at the thought.
He bowed his head to her, his lips brushing hers in a teasing manner. In a low husky voice, he asked, “What did you give me Derry?”
Cocking her head she replied, “Nothing you didn’t already want.” She laced her fingers behind his neck, pulling his mouth to hers. Their kiss was bone tingling, filled with primal lust and fire. Fire that raced through her and made her whimper. He growled in her mouth, cupping her head, claiming her mouth with heady possession that numbed her and set her ablaze with wild need.

When she pulled away for breath, Derry saw a flash of ivory fangs but it was a second too late, his mouth nuzzled into her neck, yawned wide and clamped down viciously into her flesh.

© 0506girly