

Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush. "I hope he doesn't find me" she mumbles to herself.

Ella Thompson has been in an abusive home for tithe past 2 years. After her mother's death, her father became a total monster. He would beat her in till she thought it was her last day on this earth. "little bitch!" a husky voice yelled. Ella tightened her arms around herself in fear of what would happen if he found her. "Come out you worthless punk, you my dear can run but you can't hide!" he yells. Sending chills in her body.

"Mom, why'd you leave?" She whispers. Poor Ella never thought her dadykins would be like this. "Save me mom." she says before she felt a large hand on her shoulder. "Get up!" He yells. And she immediately gets up ......her bright green eyes were now dull and lifeless.

he clutches a handful of her hair and drags her to the car. She whimpers due to the pain caused by her father's tight grip. " I need to sell you....you're too much work." he says throwing her in the car.

if mom won't save me, then can my Prince charming save me? She thinks.

to be continued........

© Q.teepie