Male escort and his Prostitute
I was away from that dark street
Walking alone with my heart beats
A guy just crossed me
He gave me a smile to be so Lively
I didn't look back but
I actually wanted to do so
Well that time I was searching for a coffee
And finally I found a coffee shop
There, I saw someone very known to me
My mind striked it was that guy
Who crossed me a while before with a smile
Well, I introduced myself
With my profession
He introduced himself
With his profession ...
Walking alone with my heart beats
A guy just crossed me
He gave me a smile to be so Lively
I didn't look back but
I actually wanted to do so
Well that time I was searching for a coffee
And finally I found a coffee shop
There, I saw someone very known to me
My mind striked it was that guy
Who crossed me a while before with a smile
Well, I introduced myself
With my profession
He introduced himself
With his profession ...