


One crucial thing in life is to have an absolute truth and love for what is real and eternal, a truth that there exists life after death or a truth that religion is worth believing though culture is very much trying to interfere with what is real and true. Sometimes, humanity exploits themselves with lies and hide from the exposure of what is seen as Light. The fact that half of the world’s vast population is Anti-Christ, many have lost hopes and ways of searching for clearer paths because the industry of the church is full of false doctrines. One might ask him/herself a question that; where do I go when I suddenly die? What is life after death? Well, no one is sure of what the right path to be taken when we all die is or what eternal life means. Many ‘Christians’ believe that doing good things and avoiding sin is eternity but is it?

The competition amongst the church leaders signifies that life after death is a message of scam intended to hide the faces of the innocent from what is truthful, and from the divine protection of solemn being because no one is telling the truth of who to follow or not. A couple of years ago during the mid-night, I had gotten a weird dream. One old man between the ages of 70-75 met me walking in a feeder road; he was holding a long stick and a traditional calabash full of water, wearing torn clothes and looking too weak. He called my names, “John my son, where are you heading to at this time of the day, don’t you thinks it is too late to move?” Due to the fact that it was nearing to the night hours, I was so scared; “who is this old man that just called my names?” I took deep thoughts but could not get a clue and view of where I met him before. But because of so much ignorance, I chose to stay silent and continued walking but he insisted and called again and said; “please I am talking to you, Aren’t you John?” and I answered “yes”, still very afraid. He continued, “My son, I know you are worried and afraid but don’t be, I met you even before you were born and this gives me a chance of knowing you from head to toe”……

I was lost in memories, how can someone meet me before I was born? “Who is this man?” I began to ask myself a lot of questions but before I would continue being confused, I took a deep breath and turned around to face him with a doubting look. Instead of speaking to me to rescue my curiosity, he offered me his calabash and said “have, take a drink.” I couldn’t hesitate not to take it, I drank from the calabash but to my surprise, it wasn’t water but milk. I asked, “But this is not water?” “Just take it my son; it will still quench your thirst”. He said. When I had finished taking the milk, rested and got cured of the fears and doubts, he looked at me very sharply and said; “my son, you are the only person that accepted my offer since morning. Some would just walk away because of how I look and the things I carry, if I call a person, they think I am begging. Is this how life is here on earth?” I was puzzled again, “here on earth?” He continued, “I have been sent, I don’t want to tell you who the sender is but go and tell this message to everyone out there, tell them that the mission has started; never ignore the blind, the poor, the lame, weak and the retorted for when the right time to judge comes, your judgment shall not be full because you had looked down on those that needed treatment at hand”. He then offered me a ring and something that looked like an apple and disappeared from there.

From there, I woke up in the middle of the night sweating. I called my friend who was a member of the Catholic Church in our neighborhood telling him the dream I had throughout the night, though he wasn’t convinced but he understood anyway. He told me just to pray over it and that maybe God was making a right choice speaking through me; and that he would wish to see me when morning comes, so we could go to church together and give testimonies about it. Sunday morning, I switched my phone off and turned off the idea of going to church, I was lazy in fact but my friend was thrilled about me giving testimonies, he took me to church by force. I guess God wanted me in the church but I wasn’t ready to pay him a visit though he did through a dream. I wasn’t happy about the reason, but my friend just did it anyway, we went together for prayers. I don’t want to say that this is the experience of the Christ in the Bible or is it? I do know that it was an illusion of the facts that are happening day and night and despite the fact we are ignoring such, none shall know what the real truth is.

Many are called to be disciples, teaching others about the life of the Christ and his enemies and spreading the messages of salvation, of the lord’s unconditional love for his people. We did not live in the time of the Christ and never knew or heard of him in the flesh. But if we take a closer look at our lives, we will find out that he still lives in us, doing many things and protecting our intentions towards him who lives. Proclaimed apostles in the modern times speak of him as divine and most powerful; but are their intentions pure and genuine?
John Wycliffe (c.1329-84),
“The Pope may obviously be the Antichrist, and yet not just that sole single individual but rather the multitude of Popes holding that position…..along with the cardinals and bishops of the church”.

Some scholars or Authors through written books and articles speak of them that are in the church organizations as evil and not truthful but what’s the proof to such because each of them speak of him/herself as divine and powerful knowing a clean path to righteousness? Many followers of the church are regretting and thinking to who is the right man to follow, doing something crazy without breaking the law, of course. You will not forget that in a long while and you smile each time you remember the times you lied and hurt the people around you; will those smiles last for a life time?

Currently, the church doesn’t differentiate between a mistake and a sin. For example, a heart injury caused a woman to regress to her childhood as a result of pneumonia and brain tumor. Lost and confused, she was eventually befriended by a male nurse who was at the same time her life couch. As time passed by, a beautiful relationship developed between them because she was smitten by her childlike innocence and purity. Later, she regained her memory and her heart got healed, recognizing her past and completely forgetting the period between her illness and recovery. As she left for the village, the nurse followed her to the park and tried to gain her attention, but does not remember him. He called and called but still the woman was dumb. People in the community started developing some jealousy and regarded her condition as fake and that she was pretending to be sick as an excuse to let the man go his way. Out of habit, emotion and confusion the community begged the man to stay back and let her go as well and leave the relationship or else if he doesn’t, the relationship will turn abusive. As time went, nobody was aware that the woman was slowly recovering from trauma of sickness; she was fully recovered now and was ready to make the ends meet again after so much ignorance from the community. Just imagine you were in his shoes, would you begin a new relationship with such a person who lost her sense of self? If no, then I see no point of holding on to it. Such scenario was regarded as a sin and not sickness or a mistake. One mistake the church is making is regarding the other person to be the same or as sinful or change parallel with their laws. This is not always possible.

As we grow up, the church beliefs, the politics, the books we read, the people around us, the movies we watch and the news we consume will have a deeper influence on us and our thinking. This can make several people who are at the same point once upon a time to drift somewhere apart. You won’t feel like interacting with the same people again. That is natural. Absolutely uncertain of the fact that religion is the cause of many man made difficulties globally while it was not the will of any of the followers, it was confusion fighting against what is right and real.

to be continued......

© A. J Maluac