

Ocean world, what’s left from destruction
Mass destruction from the war dead people, lives lost. Our main focus was to mainly keep safe, The family would do their best to stop this war but what was coming would change everything. Storms would occur taking things and leaving no traces planets would flood. The family would camp out in a remote forest that was untouched. sharing stories of back home, they found someone who they would have never accepted. A man with red hair Simon looked closely. Is that Simon the second? Everyone looked and started to talk to the man and help him. Finding out it was him tears and love swarmed the air. At home, I was harvesting some food for dinner when a man washed up on shore randomly. He did not look familiar so I asked Leon if he knew, indeed he did. Taking another familiar member to the medical bay Leon looked closely. This is Christopher, looking at Leon my mind wondered, that’s lovely but how did he wash up on our shores we are far from Earth. Finding more than what we would expect sadly, from this destruction two people have lived. Simon and Christoper, Trevor will be in for surprise and the fam as well.