

How I Became Free
Tell us about an unforgettable experience that left you sadder but wiser.
I can do that.

It was a year or two ago, my best friend of 6 years and I were at school and she started walking away from me.
Figuring she was going to the washrooms or something like that, I followed her and called her name without answer. I finally caught up with her, and she glared at me with pure hatred.
"Look I just think we need a break. I can't keep following you around like this anymore..." She yelled at me. I was confused, for year's I had followed HER around. year's of her telling people who I liked, spreading rumors and throwing me under the bus, just for this? I backed off, horrified and crying.
Next day we were fine.
Months later during online learning I get a text. 'Look Maddy I don't think we can be friends anymore. I can't be friends with someone who says they hate me. I just don't like you anymore and have a new best friend named Emily and she said she hates you because I told her what you did.'
I was shook, crying in confusion and sadness. I didn't even know what I had done. It turns out that was just it, I hadn't done anything. Izzy, her name was, was the one who did everything. Over the years we fought so many times. This went on for weeks, her pretending she didn't say anything at school then blaming me in text. she never confronted me to my face. I was in so much pain, I couldn't even tell my other friends what happened, not fully at least. Me and Izzy would fight at school, never revealing anything. I would cry in my other friends arms and I couldn't even tell them why. Still haven't. A few weeks later she moved far away and I blocked her out completely.
A month ago we reconnected, I got caught up in her ways and bought it. It hit me that she was so different, two online boyfriends OVER YOUTUBE, A YouTube family, All of which she's never met, Saying she's transgender and gay, which I know isn't true, as she does it for attention, in reality Izzy, Aka Isiah, is just the same horrid person I know and hate. Her 'boyfriend' even calls Izzy a 'her'. My new best friend is trans, and I have absolutely nothing against that.
Now I realise I am free from Izzy. I have blocked her on everything and am finally free from her chains. Guilt still sits around me though, as much as I hate her.
Izzy always held me back. Now I get almost straight A's in school and am happy and have a great group of friends. Do not make the same mistakes I did.

'Be kind enough to forgive someone, but be smart enough to not trust them again.'