

How 'Mummy' Broke My Virginity [part 1]
I can vividly remember my first sexual experience as if it was only yesterday. Her name was Rebecca, she was my senior in school—primary six (6).
It all happened during the Annual Private Schools Week. The Annual Private Schools Week (APSW) is held every year to promote and foster unity among the private schools in the Tano South District in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana, among the activities usually undertaken included but not limited to quiz competitions and athletics. That year, the APSW was held on the School For The Deaf campus, a small student community located at the outskirts of Bechem, the District capital. At the time, it was the largest campus in the District, with a population of about 10,000. The campus also had the best sports equipments in the district capital.
Rebecca lived on that campus with her parents. They lived in one of the three bedroom teachers bungalows on the campus.
The first few days of the celebration had been quite uneventful, well aside my school's dramatic qualification to the grand finale of the quiz competition—massive step up from our previous appearances.
On Friday morning (the last day of the activities), after the usual Ghanaian school morning rituals had been performed, we all assembled in the School's large auditorium for the grand finale of the primary schools' edition of the quiz competition. The auditorium was a spacious and brightly-lit room with an expansive high ceiling, dark wooden walls and benches, and an intricately-patterned tiled floor. The stage was wide with beautiful detailed carvings around the edges and curtains that stretch from either side. The walls were painted a vibrant shade of yellow, with various decorations adorning them. On the left and right sides of the auditorium there are staircases that lead to the upper balcony level, which houses additional seating for even more guests. A large projection screen is also available in case presentations need to be shown.
The grand finale was between my school (King of Kings International School) and African Heritage International School (the defending champions of the primary schools' edition). AHIS had won the contest back to back, we on the other hand had never ever been to the final.
Our team had my classmate, Albert Mensah, my senior, Daniel Ankamah and myself as representatives. Daniel Ankamah was the only person in our team who made an appearance the previous year. Albert and I were rookies. Among us, Albert was the best mathematician, Daniel was also very good in English, and I was an all-rounder, but General Knowledge & Current Affairs was my forte.
After duly observing all protocols, the contest began as scheduled. We won the first round, which was English, by a landslide. The mathematics round saw us trailing, the gap closed drastically. We also lost the science round. It all bored down to the General Knowledge & Current Affairs round, that round was a now or never kind of round for me because I had performed poorly in the previous rounds. AHIS missed their first two major questions, which I picked up sharply for the bonus points. A couple set of questions into the fourth round, our overall marks were at par.
"Who is the first Secretary-General of the United Nations, and when did he or she assume office?", bellowed the voice of Father Francis, the quiz master. Father Francis is a Catholic priest in his mid-fifties with a thin frame and greying hair. He usually wears his white priest robes, topped off with a warm smile. His wrinkled face betrays a life of kindness and understanding. "Who is the first Secretary-General of the United Nations, and when did he or she assume office?", Father Francis repeated, looking toward the AHIS corner.
There was a deafening silence in the 5000-seater capacity auditorium, as this happened to be a decisive question. My heart was racing, hoping and praying my opponents would give a preposterous answer, because a wrong answer would give us a possible win.
"Gladwyn Jebb, he assumed office on 24th September 1946", was the answer that came from the AHIS corner.
"No, come again", invited Father Francis.
"Gladwyn Jebb, 24th September 1945"
"No, your last chance"
"Gladwyn Jebb, on 25th September 1945?"
"Wrong. A bonus question to King of King International School, for a maximum of one point." Father Francis said, looking in our direction.
My face lit up, my moment was up, I smirked.
"This is your moment, show them how it's done", said that tiny voice in my head.
"You only have one attempt", cautioned Father Francis, just as I opened my mouth to answer. I paused, readjusted myself, turned to Albert who was smirking more than I was, then looked into the audience and stood up, "Gladwyn Jebb" I paused, and looked over at the AHIS contestants, "he served as the acting Secretary-General from 24th October 1945 to 2nd February 1946, and died on 24th October 1996", I answered pompously.
"How can I forget these dates? That is my birthday, for Christ's sake", I thought.
"Gladwyn Jebb, 24th October 1945 to 2nd February 1946, is correct for one point", Fr. Francis declared. An eruption of applause ensued.
We've won!
I froze as a rush of excitement and anticipation coursed through my veins. A moment later, my heart was pounding in my chest when the quizmaster, Fr. Francis, announced King of Kings International School as the winner! I couldn't believe it—all that hard work and studying had finally paid off! I leapt up out of my seat with a burst of joy and threw my hands around Albert in triumph, grinning widely at all of my friends who cheered in the audience. Nothing had ever felt so sweet before—this was an indescribable feeling! For a few moments, I just stood there soaking in every bit of it, savoring this feeling of sweet victory. The feeling of winning a quiz competition was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The joy, pride, and satisfaction that came with it were overwhelming, and it felt like the world was suddenly at my feet. I couldn't fathom the love people showed me that day.
After the contest, Rebecca whisked me away from the people who had gathered around me. She took me to the canteen—a vibrant and chaotic place, full of excited teenagers with their noses buried in steaming bowls of red-brown jollof rice and others with plates piled high with freshly fried plantain. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and conversation as the students chat about everything from sports to movies. The delicious aromas of various cuisine mingled in the air. In one corner of the room, a small vendor sold brightly colored bottles of homemade drinks known among the populace as "sobolo"—spiced hibiscus tea. And that's where we headed, we bought two bottles of sobolo and meat pie, and exited the building.
"Are you taking it here? I've got rice in the house, you can take this after the rice, okay?", Rebecca said, snatching my snacks from my hand. I nodded sheepishly. "Besides, it's not mannerly to eat on the road", she added. Rebecca is about six years older than me. Normally, I don't befriend children older than me, but my relationship with Rebecca was quite different from the usual Ghanaian boy-girl friendship, she called me her son. Our "mother and son relationship" began the day I was tasked to play as Junior, her son, in our church's Children Service drama on Drama Day. And she's been calling me her son ever since.
After walking past a couple of bungalows, we finally arrived at Rebecca's home. This classic three-bedroom bungalow radiates with a sense of nostalgia and charm. As you enter the cozy home, you're met by a bright, cheery living room, with plush carpeting beneath your feet. Two white sofas are positioned in an L-shape around the wooden centerpiece. Across from them, stands an entertainment center full of bookshelves and framed photographs of cherished memories, one of these frames had a photograph of Mr. Robert Asigli, clad in a white kente cloth draped elegantly over his stout shoulders, lending a regal air to his already imposing presence. His intelligent dark eyes twinkle behind his glasses. He has a thick moustache, he stands firm but gentle in the frame. Standing beside Mr. Asigli was her wife, Madam Lauretta—the School's librarian. Her face was lit up with a smile exposing her two rows of white, even teeth. Her dark brown eyes twinkled in a friendly gleam. My eyes fell on the left wall, which boasts a floor to ceiling bay window that fills the space with natural light. A dark wood dining table is nestled just behind it, allowing family and friends to share meals together. To the right is a quaint kitchen with cream cabinets, marbled countertops and stainless steel appliances.
Mr and Mrs Asigli were not in the house today. They volunteered to be part of the APSW Organising committee, so they were busy on the field.
Rebecca set the sobolo and pie on the dining table.
"Wait at the dining table, let me heat the rice quickly", she said, entering the kitchen. A minute later, the aroma of the stew on the cooker soon filled the room, my stomach started to churn. My mouth felt dry, yet saliva pools as I unconsciously anticipated the food. The desire to 'murder' the food brought with it an uncomfortable but familiar sensation that sits heavily in my gut like a rock was pressing against my insides. Finally, the food was ready, she served the both of us. It was rice and beans with shredded fish stew. My mouth watered as my eyes widened, surveying the plethora of food on the table. After hours of pangs from my grumbling stomach, I felt ravenous; desperate for a single morsel to consume. The warmth of the food called out to me like a siren song, beckoning me forward with its sweet aromas. I eagerly dived in, my appetite whetted after starving for so long. Each bite was savored slowly, greedily devouring every crumb with intense relish and delight. As each morsel touched my tongue, it exploded with flavor, succulent and juicy as it traveled down my throat and filled me with pure satisfaction. My heart overflowed with contentment, an insatiable hunger finally quenched after an agonizing wait.
After we finished our meal, she suggested that we spend the time watching some television, and I was more than happy to oblige
With an easy, carefree smile, she popped open the remote control and settled onto the sofa cushions. I eagerly followed her lead and sprawled out on the soft couch as well. I suggested we watch movies then, she agreed and pulled out a drawer full of DVDs to pick from.I saw a traditional Chinese Kung-Fu movie that I had been dying to watch—Iron Monkey. I took it out and handed it to her. She took the DVD out of its case and inserted it into the DVD player. She excused herself, and disappeared into one of the bedrooms rooms. I was left alone in the sitting room, hoping to enjoy one of the most talked about movies in my class. I could feel the anticipation coursing through my veins like electricity. Every moment was dragging by when I finally pressed play on the most hyped movie. My heart beat faster as I felt excitement overwhelm me, imagining how captivating and enjoyable the next couple of hours were going to be. I felt the happiness wash over me in a tidal wave as my eyes glared at the DVD player LED screen anxiously, waiting impatiently for the "loading" indicator on the screen to turn to "play".
"You have to take your shirt off, else you'll get it crumpled", came Rebecca's voice from behind me. My heart skipped a beat when the voice came. A wave of shock and surprise flooded through my body as I spun around to see her standing there. My eyes widened in disbelief that she had caught me so off guard. Not only was I startled by her sudden voice, I was also bewildered and confused by what my eyes were beholding. I stood frozen in shock as I watched her standing before me completely naked...

....to be continued...
© Quabena Reazon