

Michaels gift
My fire kills three and extremists claim to have killed a dragon. Next sports…." The news anchors on the TV say. In Michael's room, his alarm begins to chime. He wakes up confused about the news but gets ready anyways because today is his birthday.
He is excited because he is going out to the bar with his friends. He goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth when he notices they seem different. He put on his scale necklaces and it seemed to be glowing, but he pushes it to the back of his mind. He walks into the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal.
He asks his mom "Have you heard the news? The mine that dad used to work in had an incident and their talking about a dragon." His mother stops washing the dishes and turns to him "A dragon, is that going to help you get a job." He turns, awkwardly, to leave "I'll look into it while I'm out."
His mom turns back to the dishes "be careful." He heads off up the road. He's on his way to the abandoned mall to meet Jamie. She is his oldest friend; they met back in the first grade when she was interested in his eyes. She always thought they were striking.
He lives a short walk away but, on a cool day like this, it seems to take him just a bit longer. At a slower pace, he noticed that there where a lot of cars parked at the old mine entrance. He can see it down the road before the mall. Once in the parking lot, he sees Jamie. She is covered in paint, as usual, and she yells "Run over here, I'm tired of waiting on you slow ass."
He picks it up a bit, but he just can't seem to get it together today. He makes it over there and she tells him "Close your eyes I've been working on it all morning." She leads him blind into the old food court and shows him.
She had painted a mural of him with a flaming sword standing on a pile of enemies. He turns to her and asks "Why?" She laughs and hits his arm "Because you're like 6'5 and you got those freaky eyes. So, you would be a warrior in the old world." He looks back at the picture "Cool."
She looks at him and points out "You realize your skin is turning red, right?" he looks at his hands that now appear to be scaley and his fingernails were black. He is starting to get worried, so he tells her "I got to go. I have no idea what this is."
Before he goes, he is stopped by Jamie. She tells him "I've seen this before. In one of my dad's books, he has a bunch of stuff about magical creatures. He's kind of a freak about it." Micheal looks at her strange "Why would I do that?" She huffs 'Because this is the coolest thing that's ever happened around here and I don't want your mom to ship you off somewhere no-one will know. You remember when you fell out of that tree."
Micheal thinks about it for a moment and answers "Yeah, you do have a point." She then comments "Besides, it will be the first time you've been in my room since we were kids." The sine comment made his already red skin turn brighter "Shut up." They laugh and head over to her house.
Jamie lives in the stick of the Coal line. To save time they cut through the woods, taking a trail they carved a long time ago.
© W