

A Bad Dinner : A short story by R.M. Ragnanese
Last Night I was insulted and thrown out of a rather large dinner party for being a Christian Jew.
( I am an American Italian Jew who believes in the Messiah)
Now I was thrown out of a dinner party.
Simply because I asked was the food given to me have pork in it?
The moment I ask that question?
Was there pork in the food?
The host of the dinner party started screaming and yelling at me.
"Who do you think you are? You think you are somebody special because you don't eat pork?
Next time I will not invited you here.
I don't want you here !"
At that moment I didn't argue with him or try to reason with him.
I simply thanked the people around me at my table that I had enjoyed good conversation with and left.
Now the host of the dinner party knew before he had pleaded with me to come to his dinner party that I ate a kosher diet.
That I always ask what is in the food before I will eat it.
My host however like all anti semites couldn't wait to blame a Jew (any Jew) for his failures and miss opportunities in life.
I know this because, previously he told me every time an opportunity came his way a Jew cheated him out of it.
To him it has always been a Jew that cheated him or cause him to lose his dream opportunities.
It could not be his inability to control his emotions ?
It couldn't be he was not able to deal with people who disagree with him?
It couldn't be that his specialized job skills didn't match what a company was looking for?
Nor could it be that a company didn't want to put him in a management position over other people knowing his temperament?
No, none of those could of been the reason for his misfortunes in life.
As a proud anti semite it had to be a Jew that caused his life to be so miserable !
Sadly, it isn't just anti-semites who have this rotten attitude about life.
That it's always someone else's fault that has prevented them from achieving happiness and success in life?
It just couldn't be the guy who they are looking at in the mirror?
It must be the guy who put the mirror in the room !
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