


My name is Halley, a housewife. But my husband is caring and smart. Of course, we fell in love with each other and got married. It has been six years, and today is a special day for us. I waited for him. When he arrived, I welcomed him with a kiss.

"You know what today is?" I asked him.

"Of course, how can I forget today?"

Then I served food for him.

"Have this, Darling," I told him, He was very happy to hear that. "HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY, MY LOVE," I wished him with a sweet smile. I poured his favorite wine for us. After having the delicious steak I made, he was pleased to have wine. As I tried to take a sip, he interrupted me with a confused stare. Then we had a conversation like this,

"Honey... Have you heard about Anna getting a divorce?"

"Divorce? What happened to her?"

"I don't know, the only thing I know is that she cheated on her husband."

"What? How could she do that? I know Anna loved her husband very much. Most importantly, they had a love marriage, and now she ended up cheating on him?"

"I have no idea, my dear. I know Anna is a pretty woman. Maybe she got bored. Or maybe it was for money, who knows?"

"I wonder who is the man she cheated with! Doesn't he have a family?"

"It's unbelievable for me. I know about Anna, but can people really change like this?"

"Honey... People can change anytime, whether for love, lust, or money..."

"Really, my love? I didn't know that."

"Because you have a good husband like me."

"I am the luckiest wife in the world."

"No... No... I love you more than anything, honey. We both are lucky to have each other."

We both giggled and clinked our wine glasses. Then he gifted me a beautiful necklace, and I was so happy to see it. I kissed his lips, and then he noticed a mischievous smile on my face.

"Where is my gift?" he asked.

"Finish this wine, then I will wait for you in our bedroom," I replied.

He locked eyes with mine, and I blushed and slowly entered our bedroom. After finishing the last sip of wine, he rushed to our room.

"Where is my wedding anniversary gift?" he asked me again.

I smiled at him and handed him a box. Inside was a ring box. With excitement, he opened it, and then I saw a terrified expression on his face.

He soon dropped the box and coughed up blood. He fell in front of me and slowly started to die. I picked up the box he dropped, revealing a ring on a beautiful finger with red nail polish. The ring was engraved with the name "Anna." I knew my husband should be happy seeing that. I sat on the bed and wished my dying husband again,

# "Happy wedding anniversary, my love..."

☠️ THE END ☠️
© canon77