

This is my story
In my life I had faced many good days and also many very difficult days...At the moment I'm still experiencing difficult times..I guess because its the end times ...

The return of Jesus is at hand...many antichrist are in this world..already...God says before the coming of the world we will go through the worst times ever...but Jesus will help us overcome the end times...

Always have hope..Pray to your father in heaven.. when this occurs...wait upon God..I have suffered humiliation..being mocked at...my healths gone worse ..but God I know Gods real...He is with me always..

I have believed in Jesus from the time I was seven years old.. and I'll never let go of this God who's so beautiful...

Who saved my life..There is no problem too big in my life that God could not solve...If He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders..He will carry you..

My life is in Gods hand...Today as I reflect upon my life.. I have realized God got me through every obstacle and He will get me through this..obstacle..

I can still say my life had been beautiful ..because of Jesus...because I'm a mother ...and I'm in the process of achieving my dreams...my biggest dream that came true ...was being a mum.

I suffered from depression for over twenty years but my son always brightened my day..with his warm special ways...everyday is difficult because I have this illness ...but God will sustain me..

Remember the time is near...of christ's return...never give up on God..Always Trust in Jesus...