

Few weeks ago, I sat the at the receptionist's corner, for a quick print and a visitor came in.
The receptionist was not on seat at the time, So I filled in.
“Good morning sir” I said, smiling brightly, “do you have an appointment with a staff?”
I was greeted with a cold stare and an arrogant rebuff.
He walked on straight towards the Director, who coincidentally was walking to the reception area.
Instantly they shook hands, a few laughs here and there, and he was led to the meeting area.

The Director knew nothing about what had transpired, I never told him either.
Though, It made me wonder, how many had treated our receptionist that way,
How many more behave this way in other organizations.

Which leads me to the point of this epistle;

I am appealing to everyone, whether influential or in a position of leadership.

A receptionist is NOT a "nobody".
Artisans are humans
Security guards are lifesavers
Cooks keep you far away from an emergency hospital visit.

There are no better relevant positions and designations than the "others"
Hierarchies exist simply for the purpose of organization, not because someone is better than the rest.
Can we all treat each other as humans first, regardless of any assumptions on positions?

© podsnaija
