

The Trail 👣👣
if only Pop wasn't Angry, he wouldn't of left momma alone with us four children.
looks in the village was scarce.
he left on what others say is forbidden.
they called it while some spoke none, THE TRAIL👣👣.
it wasn't for faintly no one.
anyone that ever ventured on it, never came back home.
people feared it were cursed.
or even a Death sentence.
I was always yeeted off course, when I tried to go closer.
suddenly, a sense of dread filled the village one evening.
people graveled in fear as a dark cloud, former over THE TRAIL👣👣, suddenly courses towards us all.
I was lucky to be in a field so slightly off the Course of town.
I found a way into the forbidden grounds.
I ran for safety, unaware I may never return home.
suddenly, as I turned to face the pathway.
it was sunny and warm and playful creatures roamed.
it didn't seem Cursed.
I bucked at the thought of laughter.
but I kept pace, walking down the TRAIL 👣👣.
and I appeared forth a Bridge, from the 15 minute walk.
quickly and quietly I entered through it.
unaware still, I'd be transported to another time of the universe.
will I re-unite with my dear father? - or will I never get home?
it was such an wonder.

© TraumatizedEEL