

I saw a ghost
When i was 10 years old. I had a fever. So i had my dinner quickly at 9:00pm, and gone for my bed. After few minute my parents gone for dinner and i was alone at my room. Suddenly I saw someone was standing in front of my door. I was little scared. I slowly said "Who are you??" No replies come. Suddenly current went off. There was a torch beside my bed, I just pick up the torch but it was not working. I was so scared that I shouted loudly. My Parents came running and asked me that why I shouted??? I asked them if they come infront of my door. They confusedly said no, They having their dinner. I got little confused and scared, then who was there? It was a wrong perception or it was true. Now also this is mystery for me. What do you think this is only a wrong perception or that was true???