

CUPP says no to frequent private trips by president
The coalition of United political parties, CUPP has called on president Bola Tinubu to address the numerous challenges of Nigerians and not retain position of his predecessor, Muhammadu Buhari in governance.

CUPP made the call in a statement by the national secretary, Peter Ameh, saying it is unhappy with President Tinubu For Travelling On A Private Visit while Nigeria Is in dare need of leadership.

The CUPP said Nigeria needs the physical presence of their president to have that assurance that the job of President has not been outsourced to those who have no business exercising it.

The opposition political parties called on President Tinubu to realise that Nigeria is beset on all sides by insecurity, galloping inflation, hunger and starvation, unemployment that is running wild, and out of control, saying that The value of the naira is speeding southward with the currency exchanging at almost a thousand five hundred naira to the United States Dollar.

Ameh said “CUPP hopes that Nigeria is not about to witness another Buhari presidency where from time to time without any form of announcement, the President would sneak out of the country to a foreign country for medical treatment in the name of private visit.

The coalition says “Tongues have begun to wag, and speculations beginning to abound about the real reasons for the private trips of president Bola Tinubu.

CUPP however recommends that whatever the reason, the private visits should be conveniently handled in Nigeria or in the absence of such facility being available, provision should be urgently made to have it brought to Nigeria.

President Bola Tinubu departed for Paris, France last Wednesday on a private visit and he is expected to return first week of February,2024.