

Something to tell-part-2
Where I was...

I remember I continued like it was nothing. I was trying to believe that it's just my overthinking.
But my mind wasn't with me.

Next time, when I was in “Half-Awake”, I was hearing the voice, so loud, it was like someone is shouting in my ears, the vision was blurry. I woke up, I was sweating crazy.

I've seen so many weird dreams after that. One day I realised something that there is something in me that attracts other people around me, and yeah spirits too. I don't know why. I guess I'm some sort of medium, something, whatever.

I do remember I was being taken away by a spirit towards the mirror. I couldn't move. I could not see its face but mirror acted as a barrier and I remained in our world. Like everytime I woke up. I felt it was kinda creepy. Those days I was getting so many scratches in my hands but they were minor. So I didn't focused on them that much. You know if a spirit wants your attention why you give it that, simple theory.

My family was moving to the other house that time that they recently buyed. It wasn't like that I moved to a haunted house but who the hell buys a land on an abandoned school property and build a house there. I guess there were people other than my family too but what about me, a freak dealing with paranormal. It is not a large area, just two streets away from the older one, it is condensed with houses, common people, no creepy trees. Even though my sensation ability increased and is still increasing. I could feel more than others around me. I still couldn't see but now I am starting to hear things. I've made myself someone like who is deaf. I don't hear too much just only when I'm too tired. So I laze around all the time.

When me and my family moved here. Of course I was the one who was feeling strange. I started feeling that I was being touched.

To be continued...

© XxStarwarexX

Based on a true story.