

Non Disney Scream. ( Scream 1)
It was a normal day, Hiro was at school in class with Penny. And Mrs. Granville turned on the news for the day. Everyone in class had to write about what they heard in the news. But it didn't go so well. " Breaking news, last night Moranda Jonson was murdered at 8:00 PM. Everyone was wondering what happened to Moranda, one of her friends had a witness that who would kill Moranda. James Tell us what they said." Margret said, " Thank u Margret. One of her friends name Jenny told me that she thinks Hiro Hamada did it, and she knows it was him. But is it true that Hiro Hamada did it? Tonight we will ask him and he will tell us his side of the story. Back to Margret." James explained, " Thanks James. Should we believe Jenny's story, or Hiros side of the story? We will let u know tonight." Margret said, * Mrs. Grandville turns off the news* " Did u kill Moranda last night?" Karmi asked, " No, I didn't even knew that she died. I was at home, and I didn't know!" Hiro said, " You better tell the truth Hiro." Penny said, " I am telling the truth!" Hiro said, " Hiro, if u are telling the truth, then u tell us who would done this to Moranda tonight." Mrs. Grandville said, * 8 PM* " Hiro, did u hear what happened on the news?" James asked, * Points the microphone to him* " Yeah, and Jenny thinks I did it." Hiro said, * The microphone goes back to James* " Hiro, did u kill Moranda?" James asked, * Points the microphone to him* " Heres my side of the story. Last night I was at the nurdlab for a while. Then I went home. After that I didn't do anything to Moranda, I didn't know that she was killed until this morning. Everyone thinks I did it. and I didn't, if u don't believe me look! * Show his YouTube video* I was home the whole time. And if Jenny thinks I did it, well Jenny did it. How do I know, well Jenny always rolls her eyes at Moranda. And she always talks to her behind her back! There's one time she threatened to kill Moranda, so it was Jenny not me." Hiro explained, * The microphone goes back to James* " You're story sounds true, sorry for waisting you're time Hiro. Have a nice night." James said, " You too." Hiro said, * Walks inside his house* " This just in. I think Jenny is lying because Hiro told the whole story. But we will keep informing u." James said, * The next day* " Murderer! " Jenny said, " When we watch the news Jenny, everything is going to turn." Hiro said, * In Class* " Alright everyone, let's hear Hiro's side of the story." Mrs. Grandville said, * After the news* Everyone was speechless after hearing Hiro's story. * Everyone turns to Jenny* " Did u kill her?" Karmi asked, " No. Hiro did it!" Jenny said, " Jenny, I know it's u, I saw how the way u are with Moranda." Hiro said, " Hiro, we are so sorry that we assumed u.." Karmi said, " Now we think Jenny is a murderer." Penny said, " What, you're believeing him?" Jenny asked, * During lunch* " HIRO HAMADA!!! " Jenny yelled, * Grabs him* " While no one is looking. One day I will kill u." Jenny said, " I knew it was u!" Karmi said, " Now get off me." Hiro said, * Drops him* " Karmi, all I did was just thretinign him, Im not going to do it.." Jenny said, * Hiro walks away* " Did she do what I thought he did?" Penny asked, " Yep." Hiro said, " Well, we should do an investigation around Morandas house, to see who's the one that did it." Hiro said, * They went to her house* " All I see is a bloody knife." Hiro said, * Goast face comes behind Penny* " Penny, run!!" Hiro said, * Penny runs away* " Oh no.." Hiro said, * Goast face chases Hiro* " Hiro!!" Penny said, " Penny hide don't worry about me!" Hiro said, * Penny hide* * Another Goast face finds her* " Theres two!?" Hiro asked, * Holds on the knife so the killer doesn't stab him* " NO NO!!!!" Penny yelled, * Runs out of the room* " Penny!!" Hiro said, * Penny kicks the killer in the face* " Come on!" Penny said, * They ran out of the house* " Hey, are u guys ok?" The police officer asked, " There's two killers in there!" Hiro said, * The officer ran inside* " There's no one here." The officer said, " What? There was two when we were in there." Hiro said, " Guys, there is no one in there. So u waisted my time." The officer said, * Storms off* " He didn't have to be so snippy with us." Penny said, * Hiro and Penny went to the nurdlab* " One person I Jenny, I know it is." Hiro said, * Penny looks at a fiel* " Kyla, Whos Kyla?" Penny asked, " Oh, she was the girl that I was dating for a long time, and then she moved." Hiro said, " Oh yeah, her." Penny said, " I have her number, should we call her?" Hiro asked, " Yeah." Penny said, * Calls me* " Hiro, what's up?" I asked, " There was a murder yesterday, and we were wondering if u have any witness about who killed Moranda?" Penny asked, " Well, Wilbur is always late to things, ask him." I said, " Ok, talk to ya later. " Hiro said, " Ok bye bye now." I said, * Hangs up* " I'm not sure where Wilbur is, but let me call him." Hiro said, * Calls him* " What Hiro?" Wilbur asked, " There was a murder yesterday, so u know who might be the one who did it? There's two people, do u have any ideas?" Penny asked, " I hope u two are not assuming me!" Wilbur said, " Well one person did." Hiro said, " Who did?" Wilbur asked, " We can't say names." Penny said, " Hold on, if u guys are cops I swear you better not be assuming me!" Wilbur said, " Wilbur calm down." Hiro said, " Don't u tell me to calm down!" Wilbur said, " You need to calm down, so we can continue having this conversation calmly." Penny said, " How about you two back off!" Wilbur said, * Hans up* " Well, I'm not sure what else to say but it might be the killer to." Hiro said, " Well, we need to head back!" Penny said, * They arrived, " Behind u! " Penny said, " Ah!" Hiro said, * Runs away from the killers* * Penny grabs a gun* " Take off the mask both of u!" Penny said, * Hiro stands next to Penny* " If u think I wont shoot u two, I will. Now take of the masl both of u!" Penny said, * Jenny took off the mask* " Saprise to see me Hiro?" Jenny asked, " I knew it was u!" Hiro said, * Wilbur takes off he mask* " Wilbur? Are u kidding me!?" Penny asked, " Drop the gun Penny." Wilbur said, * Jenny pulls Hiro towards her and puts the knife on his neak* " If u don't put the gun down, you can say goodbye this Hiro. What's it going to be Penny?" Jenny asked, " Don't listen to her, it's a trap!" Hiro said, " Chose now! Or we make a choise for u!" Wilbur said, " 5... 4..." Jenny said, " Ok ok, don't hurt him!" Penny said, * Puts the gun down* " Good girl" Jenny said, " Now, let him go!" Penny said, * Jenny stabs him in the stomach* " NO!" Penny shouted, * Tossed him on the ground* " Heres your pretty boy. " Wilbur said, * Penny grabs Hiro and Holds him in her arms while she's sitting down* " Now, should we kill them, or stab each other for celebration?" Jenny asked, " Stab each other!" Wilbur said, * Jenny kills him* " You idiot, This is why I work alone." Jenny said, " Hiro stay with me!" Penny said, " P- Penny, I don't know how much longer I can keep my eyes open.." Hiro said, * Penny puts her hand on the side of his face* " Please aty with me... " Penny said, " Aww poor Penny, she's trying to save her own boyfriend. He's dying Penny, you can't save him!" Jenny said, * The police officers break down the door* " PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!!" The officers shouted, " P- Penny, what's going on?" Hiro asked, " We're saved, the police officers are here." Penny said, * Hiro tries to keep his eyes open* " Hiro no please stay with me?" Penny said, * The ambulance arrived* " Sir can U tell me what's your name?" The doctor asked, " H- Hiro Hamada..." Hiro said, * Puts him on A week bed* ( Idk what's it's called) " Ok Hiro, we are going to take you to the hospital." The doctor said, * Hiro looks at Penny* " P- Penny, I'm scared.." Hiro said, " It's over. Can I go with him?" Penny asked, " Yes u can!" The doctor said, * They went inside the ambulance* " We need to hurry, He's losing a lot of blood!" The doctor said, * They rushed him to the hospital* " This is a 14 year old boy, and we need him to stop bleeding imidiutly!" The doctor said, " P- Penny?" Hiro said, " Everything is going to be ok." Penny said, Hiro was in the hospital for a while, but at least Penny is there with him. Penny will always be there for him.

I hope you enjoyed this.