

Absolute Reality
In Absolute Reality everything, every information, knowledge, idea all are scattered, Nothing is seems to be absolutely truth. Illusion is broken down in the absolute reality. Limitations are there in any form of Reality or any standard reality but in Absolute Reality there is none, there is no rules, protocols, methods or restrictions in Absolute Reality. Absolute Reality is sum and resultant of Outer or External Reality, Inner Reality and any other reality could have been presented in parallel universe. There is nothing seperated from each other, there is no binary things in our world everything is unified and seems to be one or a whole unit. All entities and objects are not designed and arranged in a systematic way or man made way based on convenient of Human Being in physical reality. None of individual Truth and Personal Truth based on experience, personality, point of view, perception etc can work or may be applicable in Absolute Reality because there's no seperation so in truth it's also applicable. There is none of reality can be used as reference in Absolute Reality. There is no starting and ending or termination in Absolute Reality as everything is unified into Oneness so start and end or termination point will be same. There is nothing expressed in Physical Plane, Human Understandable and Comprehensible Plane in a way that Any Human Being can Understand and Perceived it which is possible in our Reality or in Universe. More higher Consciousness we reach, more our Consciousness become higher level we start going more closer towards Absolute Reality. No parameters, property of an object, attributes, quality works in Absolute Reality because there everything is fallen into Oneness and Unity. This reality is the highest Vibrational and Highest Frequency Field where everything vibrates in the highest range which is far more than range of Human Understanding, unlike in Universe where change is constant in this reality same is not applicable means there is no change can take place there is no changing state because everything is in absolute state nothing is in seems to be intermediate state. There is no meaning, everything which seems to be meaningful in Physical Reality can be seem as meaningless in Absolute Reality because meaning is possible in human mind which is within Human Understanding range. Dynamic of Physical or Inner Reality is Comprehensible and Understandable but in Absolute Reality it may not be understood by human mind for that Understanding Third Eye Activation and Kundalini Energy Rising may be needed. Human Language and it's all words and meaning which is only used to describe and explain every physical matter in Physical Reality or Inner Reality may not be able to do same in Absolute Reality because all words are created by Human Mind and can be understood by Human Being as well.

© Arka Samanta