

Everything Fades.
Everything fades with time.
Ppl forgot about the whole damn you, your existence ,your special days, your bond with them or how your presence makes them feel.
Then start making excuses about their busy, hard and difficult life.
I mean I didn't forget about you even if I'm having bad days or dealing with anxiety or even when I'm busy.
But, eventually they replace you with new ppl.
While being nice and keeping their distance like nothing happened. And you stand there watching them changing and fading, not allowing new ppl to have their place cuz you love them whole heartily and can't forget them and the time you have spent with them. Those memories and ppl are precious for you but for them those things means NOTHING
Ppl will never remember you or what have you done for them or how many times you stay there when they need you or how many times you pray for them and for their hardships or how many times you make yourself available for them when you are busy like hell or how you brought that fav gift for them they liked and wanted. Or how many times you comfort them while you were also falling apart.
In the end nothing matters theses all things Don't matter. Whatever you done for them or how much you love or care for them they are gonna forget about it. This is what the harsh reality is , this is a fact. Accept is asap and deal with ppl according or you will be shattered and end up getting hurt and honestly they don't give a fuck what you feel or will go through. Ppl change with time and you will fade from there mind with that passage of time.
Then, there is a phase that comes in your life when you start questioning yourself that why the hell I'm never enough for the ppl I love? Why am I the only one left empty handed and heartbroken??? Why why why I'm never enough for anyone ?????? Am I worth noting in their life? Am I that much unworthy in their eyes ?? Am I mean nothing to them. ?
So, stop questioning yourself and start distancing yourself from the ppl that make you feel unworthily, save your energy, strength and protect your heart. :)
thumbs up

© ~FT

12:56 am
Thu, may 16