

destiny just had to bring him back.
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. Not knowing what to do I turn around to face my doom.....he's here.What was he doing here? He left me and my poor heart shattered into pieces, my soul dark as a pit and now....now he's back?! He made it clear he wants nothing to do with me nor his child....no MY CHILD. So what exactly brings him here. "Hey beautiful" he says as he leans close to my ear making my heart race. I swear to God he is the devils advocate. "h-hi w-what are you doing here?" I ask, fear clear in my voice. He smirks at my question and with that I throw a loud slap on his face. Honestly I don't know what got over me but he was pissing me off. With that I ran trying to find my.way to the exit not looking back, I run as fast as I can to finally see the door. I walk to my car and the first thing I Think of is Jade, my daughter. Questions come flooding through my mind. I hope she's ok...I'm sure he doesn't know where she is.
I drive home to find my mother with Jade and I felt relieved. I was about to relax when I got a call from the hospital and fear, as well as 'what ifs' came flooding through my mind. "Emily speaking" I say a little bit curious and nervous. "Doctor Eltringham here, I had to call you because you husbands health is deteriorating drastically and I'd like you to come here immediately do we can discus what to do." he says with sympathy clear in his voice. I told mom and left. At this point Im not thinking about my fuel and how tired I am, I'm think about my husband and my ex. What if he did something? shit.