

What heaven is like to me
Heaven to me is a place where God and His holy Angel's resides...It is a place where there is only light and there is no darkness...there is only day and no night..because Jesus is that light that brightens up the heavenly realm.

God and His holy Angel's watch us from a distance ...To me heaven is a place with no more suffering and pain..no tears and no sadness...Heaven is everything that's beautiful..

I can envision a place paved with golden streets...and it's a place of righteousness.. nothing compared to this heavenly paradise. It is beyond comprehension...

Nothing compares to Jesus and His beauty. The only way we can get to heaven is through jesus ..by believing in Jesus.

My advice to you is love as Jesus loves..Live righteously...for narrow is the street that leadeth to life...and broad is the road that leadeth to destruction.. So choose the narrow path. .so we can gain eternal life. Gods says not everyone who says unto me Lord Lord will entre the kingdom of heaven..but He who do it the will of thy father in heaven..

How amazing will the second coming of Jesus be..to see the King of glory coming in the clouds of glory..Jesus is the allha and the omega the beginning and the end. He has the keys of hades and death with Him ..and He will reward everyone according to their deeds...We will experience a touch of heaven here on earth again...as the second coming of Jesus will be soon at hand...
So as I envision heaven once again..I envision ..paradise and beauty...I envision Jesus, the Saviour of the world and His holy Angel's.