

Dune Buggy Mayhem: Rise and Shine
"Let me tell you something about Love ... it is Voracious! It Consumes All, but can Blossom like a Beautiful Butterfly."
Stephen King (variant Christine)

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A #WRITCO Comedy Series




Partially Waterlogged, Herbie and his Love narrowly escaped the clutches of the Bad Guy, the Sheriff. When she dried off, Herbie tried to turn the Engine over, but she would not start. The only saving Grace was that the Music 🎶 had Stopped. Inexplicably without a Why or Reason. As Herbie checked her over to see why it wouldn't Turn over, the Trunk came down. First over his Head with a light *smack*; then onto his Hands fairly hard!

"Yeouch," he swore fairly loud. "What the?"

The Car hissed and squeaked before turning over itself.

"Well I'll be a son of a," he started. "What in the Hell have I gotten into here!?"

He hopped back into the Car to head over to the Barn.

The Water sounds still squished between the road and the tires; and the Car refused to keep straight or at a steady pace.

As if (absurdly) it has a mind of its own!

When he turned the wheel right to go into the Barn, she veered left.

And sped up!

Herbie was worried as the acceleration kept increasing to a higher, and higher speed.

They zipped by the Sheriff's (well of course, this is a comedy remember?) Car at breakneck speed!

And the Siren 🚨 was raised once more.

But they were going so fast, they never heard him yell pull over. Instead, a constant plume of smoke hid their trail, and before Herbie even knew what was going on, at 88 mph they were Up Up and Away.

Herbie and the Love Bug were in the Air!


Herbie lost his breath and looked down from High in the Sky. The wee Sheriff was looking up and just shaking his Fists at them. Then he drove away, and they continued their Flight.

"So what do you think," a Strange Female Voice asked. "Do you like the View?"

Herbie was at a loss for words.

"Much better than Swimming with the Fish, don't you Think?"

Herbie tried to find the right words. "Uhh ..."

"Yeah," she confirmed his suspicions. "I was always able to do this, but was looking for the right moment."

"And this was it?"

She laughed. "Well when you Wet my Whistles, I figured we'd have a little Convo Bub!" She Guffawed. "I'm Fragile you know?"

Herbie looked all around to see where the voice emanated from. "Yeah, I guess..."

She slowed down as they began their Descent. "Maybe we should get to it now," she finished as the Car came to a slow crawl. "First, no more Swimming. I hate water in my lungs!"


She revved her engine. "Second, never call me Honey, Sweetie, or Sugar. All three clog my pipes."


"And I like an extra boost once in a while," she laughed. "So give me the good stuff, not that low octane substitute!"

"Are you going to tell me what exactly you are," he demanded.

"For now," she replied, "I'm Just your little Love Bug. And you and I have a wonderful Journey ahead of us."

"Oh really!?"

"Yeah," she confirmed. "But first, c'mon buckle up. The Sheriff is on his Way with Backup," Herbie hopped back into the Driver's Seat. "It's Time to show these Boys, what I can REALLY DO!"





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© I Am MichAel