

I miss you sometimes part 3
(Lost Bliss)

Ignorance is bliss. You knew my heart like it was your own. When we parted, a life in me also departed. I became a stranger to the light. Loneliness ate my joy away and desolation chose to stay. My mind refused to fathom the reality of your absence. I couldn't just uproot your eternal form from the core of my being. You were rooted into me deeply—like a belief. Who am I kidding? I believed in you and our sense of strength to weather the storms together, when and if it's our time to be tested. As a being, I need an anchor to be, for my sanity and joy, and it felt nice to have someone who was. But all that beauty turned bleak in seconds the moment we bid our not-so-good goodbyes. It felt strange that we had to act like strangers. What about the moments that only God and you and I are aware of? Were those moments only memories from another life? I do believe in reincarnation, but no, that was not it. It was real to me like a pinch on my skin. Only it was more than a pinch, I considered you my soul mate. What I perhaps saw for us and saw you for was beyond what my tiny eyes could see. You were my blissful noon, my day, and my moon. I honestly felt like our stars were aligned. At least, before the dark cloud robbed us of the light.

© Ommie