

peter pan and the girl who is lost, page 2
We fly of to neverland but I still dont believe him when we make it I ask? him if I can meet one of the lost boys, then all of the lost boys come out of the trees, I say to peter, I said I wanted to meet one not your whole cult, peter says, we're not a cult also stop being so stubbern, fine I say, now come on we're going to the camp, I say with a voice of annoyance, okay, it's getting cold and dark so i'm getting tired and I have no place to sleep, I sit by the fire and fall asleep, when a minute later peter notices and brings me to his hut and lays me down on his bed, he goes back outside and sits by the fire and talks to felix one of his lost boys, I finelly wake up and go outside I site next to peter and I ask him how long ive been asleep,
he says, it's now morning so all night, I say, oh oook then, I walk away and go to one of his boys named devin and talk to him for awhile