

Her: Part 4
"Her" Parts 1-3 on my profile page!

The day after I met Her, Cal came over, as usual, and I told him everything. The strange feeling I had experienced, Her eyes, how Her voice was just a bit too sweet, how She had excluded me from the conversation entirely, everything. He sat and listened, his eyebrows drawn together in concentration and in thought, and when I finished, there was a moment of silence. We looked at each other. I watched his face hoping he would believe me, hoping he would agree that something was wrong with Her.

Finally, he clasped his hands in front of him.

"I don't know, B. I would have to be around Her myself to fully understand what you're talking about, but from what you just told me, it does seem She's a little strange." He said. I felt relief wash over me like a wave.

I was so happy, I felt tears spring to my eyes. I reached out and hugged Cal. He looked surprised and a bit concerned as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you Cal, thank you so much," I said as I let go of him.

"You're welcome B, but I don't know what for. This is serious isn't it?" He said. I nodded, wiping the last stray tears from my cheeks.

"Cal, I'm scared. There's something wrong with Her, and my dad won't listen to me. He can't see it, it's like he's under a spell or something. You should have seen them last night. It was disgusting. She was all over him, and in the middle of a restaurant too! She couldn't keep Her hands off him, and he didn't even care! I just had to watch and think of what mom would say if she saw them. It was awful, Cal."

Cal looked at me. I saw it in his eyes that he understood, and that he wanted to help.

"I'm sorry, B," he said simply. I shrugged.

"It's Ok. Well, actually, it's not, but I'm sure it will be. My dad will probably date Her for a month or two, and then move on. I just need you to be here, Cal. I need you to help me get through this."

"Of course I'll help B." Cal replied. "That's what I'm here for."

"Thanks," I said. "You're a life saver, Cal."

Cal flashed a grin.

"I don't know about that, but hey, I'll take it! Now let's go play some COD shall we?"

I smiled.

"We shall."

The next few weeks were agonizing. My dad brought Her home with him almost every night. I heard them crooning over each other, and "confessing their love for each other", while I hid away in my room.

Everytime She came over, I made it a point to avoid Her. She didn't seem to notice, and neither did my dad. When She left my dad was always left star struck. He never shut up about Her, She's all he would talk about, and it was killing me.

I tolerated Her for awhile, but one night the tables turned. My life was turned upside down. Things I hadn't ever imagined would happen to me, happened. I was in my room, around five or six o'clock at night, when my dad called me and said he was going to be late. He usually was home from his job as a newspaper journalist by nine, but a big something-or-other had happened at work and he wasn't going to get home 'til midnight. I said I would be fine, that there was leftover pizza in the fridge, and was about to hang up, but he interrupted me.

"Oh, Bree, one more thing," he said, "She's going to come over and wait for me."

I stared at my phone in shock. Her? Alone in the house with me?

"Dad I..."

"I don't want to hear a word out of you Bree," My dad said strictly. "She's just going to watch TV or something ok? You can survive," He said, and sighed heavily. "Bree, try to get along with Her."

I didn't answer, my hand slightly trembling.

"Hello?" My dad said. I took a deep, shaky breath.

"Yah. I'll try," I said.

"Good. Thank you B. I'll see you tommorow."

"Ok dad. 'Night."

I hung up, and sat down on my bed. I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself. It would be fine. I would just stay up here, safe in my room, where I didn't have to see Her. I sat in silence for a moment, then dialed Cal's number.

Later that night, around seven, I heard our front door open. I expected the sharp clack of heels to follow close behind it, and was surprised when I heard nothing, not even footsteps. As soon as She walked in, that same feeling I always felt around Her came over me. I listened for anything else, but heard nothing, not even the sound our sofa made when someone sat down on it. This made me suspicious. I wondered if She would steal anything. This would be the perfect opportunity, I thought. She might not know that I was here. Suddenly courageous, and wanting to catch Her in the act of stealing, I decided to go downstairs. I stood up off my bed and walked to my bedroom door, trying to open it as quietly as I could so She wouldn't hear me. I was successful, the door barely made a sound, and I stepped out onto the carpeted floor in my sock feet.

I reached the staircase and began slowly creeping down it, placing each foot down as silently as possible. I reached the bottom, and found all the lights in both the kitchen and the living room turned off. I stood at the bottom of the stairs, my heart pounding. Something didn't feel right. I fumbled around in the dark a bit, trying to find a lamp.

Suddenly I heard something. A quiet gnawing sound, like a dog chewing on a bone. I stretched out my hand, and my fingers finally found a lamp. I turned it on, and screamed.

In the dim light of the living room, I saw a hideous, bony figure. It's body was naked, and It's skin a deathly grey color. The few hairs it had on its head were long and greasy. It was hunched in the middle of our living room carpet, chewing It's own gnarled, hand. When I screamed, It's head snapped up in an inhuman way, and It stared at me, it orb-like, glassy eyes bulging out of their sockets.

I stumbled back towards the stairs, still screaming, as It let out a deafening screech, and lurched at me. It slammed into my body, knocking me to the floor, and began scratching at my face with long, cat-like claws. I covered my head with my arms, screaming and crying, scared for my life.

"You little rat!" It snarled, and stopped scratching me. "If you dare tell anyone about this, I will claw your eyes out of their sockets."

I stared up at it in horror as realization hit me. It was Her. She was a monster.

I screamed and shoved Her off of me, throwing Her back into the living room, and sprinted blindly up the stairs. She was back on Her feet in a heartbeat. I heard Her scrambling behind me, screeching in rage. I ran into my room and slammed the door shut, locking it and pressing my body against it, shutting Her out.


As soon as my door closed, I heard nothing. I stood in my room, tears streaming down my scratched face, gasping for breath. Minutes passed, and still I heard nothing. I slowly backed away from my door, and collapsed on my bed. My head swam, and I felt like I was about to pass out. I tried to remain calm and come up with a reasonable thing to do. I had to tell someone. Someone had to help me. Someone had to see Her.