

How a great deal of emotions that belongs to me is being controlled by a mere mortal,
How I cry when we fall out,
Laugh when we're good.
That is a tale I can never really tell.
Or at the very least, understand.

How I boil in my insides when he calls another beautiful,
How I gnash my teeth when he laughs out loud with another,
How my mood swings like a pendulum when he forgets the little things.
He who without a doubt holds my soul,
A mere mortal.

Two souls intertwined,
Souls are never to be alone.
Yes, bittersweet,
But the sweet can only not make you sick when there's a little drop of bitter.
Toxic much?
Call it what you want.

The soul I seek is the one I own.
Mine to keep and never to let go.
The soul I own, I'd never let slip,
Coz even in our darkest moments,
The light our souls' friction ignites will surely light our path.

And in the time when the alcohol caresses me and my legs are spread,
At that moment,
Without an iota of doubt,
I know for sure,
He owns my emotions.
He is my emotions.© debbieOthompson

#WritcoQuote #❤️❤️Love&love