

Something to tell-part-6
Where was I...

The problem is not with the ghost because I did everything unconsciously. I broke the barrier(yeah! I did, I remember once in my half awake state I was smashing something in the air, my mother was beside me using her phone, that's why I found it strange and woke up, though I didn't break the whole but it was all cracked in the air and could be easily broken by other side), I entered that damn portal in my dream, I touched him unconsciously. I did everything, it's my doing!

I decided to let's not wake up from half awake state, I mean not wake up in our world, and try to move there. I am crazy as hell. It made me get consciousness in my dreams because I wanted to ask, just “who are you?” . But don't worry I won't ask what he desire because I've watched horror movies. Of course, the reply will be “me”. So, on my way of trying to wake up. It sounds crazy, I was trying to wake up in half awake, means I was seeing the reality, but I was trying to wake up from reality...

I wonder if all dimensions exist in the same place, and all are separated by some sort of thing or barrier, so they didn't collide with one another. That's why animals could see more things like cats and dogs, they see different colours, that affects their vision, their sight is stronger than normal humans. There are few people who could see things too in this world but intel about them is limited. Of course, no one wants to end up in a laboratory.

I did gained conciousness in that state and tried to move. When my eyes opened, I saw the room or all the things so dark, it's like the colours were just the different shades of black with white. I couldn't move, I saw a black particle like thing, it was moving all around, how can I explain that! imagine there so tiny black dots moving in a group. It passed by near my face, it felt so rough like someone scratched my face. I tried to move, I was saying to myself move, wake up. My hand moved for a bit, and then it touched someone's face beside me. I moved my eyes there, he was beside me, great thing he was sleeping and he was facing in different direction. But because of that I woke up in our own world. Now, it was clear to me, that's the same guy, the grey man, he's real, living in our house, because no one can see those people like him but they could see us. It was the ghost dimension obviously.

I never experienced it again maybe because subconsciously I don't want to. But I do see him over me time to time in my half awake state. I do want to beat him for this. But I can't do it. Everytime I see him, I couldn't see the face. I don't know his face. How could I found anything about the person whom face is unknown. It's not an anime or a movie.

To be continued...
Based on a true story...

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