

Secrets by the shore
I stared at the letters tattooed into my right forearm. I had no memory how I had got it or why I was in a hospital gown or why I was floating at the edge of a muddy, river bank. I had absolutely no memory of who I was. Everything seemed strange as I battled hard trying to remember who I was and what was going on with me. I laid hopelessly on the wooden raft floating on top of the river still trying to recollect and get back to my senses as I reached the shore feeling dizzy and feable. I fainted...
I woke up with a slight headache trying to figure out why I blanked out. Of course like every other teenage girl I thought I was having a dream until I felt the cold splashes of water on my face. "She's awake" I heard as I turned to my left to see who it was. It was a guy... a tall muscular guy... with long curly hair. I immediately got attracted to him that I started falling into, what would I call it...? oh yes! a trance!... I kept staring at him until my trance was caught short by another splash of cold water on my face.
"Young lady are you alright"! He asked me as I nodded with pains. "help her get up" a lady from behind said looking concerned. "Let's take her to the inn. she doesn't look alright" another lady said holding a tray of who knows what! He took me into his hands making me feel warm and cozy. We arrived at the inn. Although it doesn't look like an inn one could still tell it was due to the extremely large number of sick people there. I was laid on a wooden bamboo bed as an old woman came out from an inner room in the inn holding a tray of dried fruits and leaves. "Who's the patient and what's wrong with her" she asked staring at me. I needed no magician to tell me she was the one responsible for my treatment. I didn't even know why I'm being treated but anyways... "I don't know old one. we found her floating on the river bank lying unconscious so we decided to bring her here so you could check what's wrong with her" He said staring directly into her eyes like a real man would...
© lilian