

In The Shadows We Found Ourselves
The first time I knew what love felt like was when I knew that I was in love with the darkness in my room when my curtains were drawn. It was the stillness, the serenity of a world cloaked in obscurity that pulled me in, drew me closer to understanding the depths of my own heart. I found solace within the ebony embrace, finding respite from the chaos that raged in the light.

Whatever had happened to me, I had no idea. Life had twisted and turned, contorted itself in ways I could not comprehend. How did I end up here? In this labyrinth of lies and shattered dreams? I thought of death more often than of living as your wife, your husband. All I ever had to do was follow your rules, bend down even if I was bleeding. But that is not love. That is not the life I yearn for.

Love should be an expanse of freedom, a symphony of two souls intertwining, not a prison that suffocates the spirit. I climbed to my feet, a battered warrior emerging from the ashes, determined to find the love that I deserved, even if its existence was yet a mere whisper in the hollows of my heart.

I stepped into the sunlight, feeling its warmth caress my skin. The world seemed different now, the colors vibrant, the air alive with endless possibility. No more hiding behind closed doors, no more relinquishing my spirit at the altar of your cruelty. I walked through the streets with newfound purpose, shedding the shackles of my past, daring to dream of a love that enveloped me like the twilight sky.

And there, in the midst of this bustling world, I found you. A kindred spirit, a gentle soul that understood the language of scars and the alchemy of broken hearts. Our souls danced in synchrony, drawing strength from each other's vulnerabilities. The darkness that once haunted me now became a refuge, a sacred space where we intertwined, seeking solace in the tender embrace of shadows.

We reveled in the unspoken words, in the language of silence that spoke volumes. In the quiet moments between our breaths, I knew that I had found the love I yearned for. It was not a love defined by societal norms or expectations, but one that transcended labels and boundaries. Our love was a masterpiece, painted with brushes dipped in both light and darkness, each stroke an expression of our deepest desires and fears.

Together, we ventured into the depths of our souls, unearthing buried memories and forgotten dreams. We celebrated the scars that adorned our bodies, for they were testaments to our strength and resilience. We discovered the beauty in vulnerability and reveled in the freedom to exist as our authentic selves.

And as the nights descended, I no longer feared the darkness. In your arms, I found sanctuary, a home where my heart could rest. The shadows danced around us, a backdrop to our love story, whispering secrets of ancient souls who had found solace in the night.

So, here we stand, two lovers intertwined in love's infinite embrace. We know the beauty and pain of darkness, for it is within its depths that we discovered each other. And as we dance through this labyrinth of life, hand in hand, we celebrate the magic of our love, knowing that it was the darkness that led us to each other. It was within the shadows we found ourselves.
© Jevanjee