

Sinking the Unsinkable..Titana Boa, snake monouve.

Do try to manage and rememebr the facts they are tragic, definitely to hurt the worst savage.
18 button combo, mortal kombat, its fatality,..... finishes. disshwasshing salts, crystal maze.
Downed with love and artisitic liience alone.

Never dropped a thing.lConstant gravity.
Dictate the stormy weather. Weather man. Let clouds blow over.
might aswell plat fog
Phillious . ballooned up, 40 dark, 40 light.
Proper titanic killer, best drop it quicker, unsinkable ship cracker, geographic, up hull V nice place. Nice not nice like nice.. Deep demographic turned savage.
Sea level.
Seriously lovely dinner .
First class sitters,
expensive tickets.
Transatlantic cross , to nip over the pond,
Southampton to America.
Grey as a bad Badger.
Feel sorry for the return journey....
Shurley nothing could go wrong.
don't call man Shirley, or late for lunch
Too much doe on board big old shame a travisty . Wagu meat nd fine bone china, change of business hands, man like hands grabbing generational wealth it alters.
Pray on the corrupted and the weak ,watch this vessel drop.
Flip the script.
Don't get clipped.
Oceon either side
Ten men up masts,
binoc and monocular.
Clear Veiw.
Fixed on the horizon with one job to do ...... aaand they sailed directly into.
Naaaaaughty block of Ice.
Boltic sea
actually Artic but the same sort of salty thing
.not the one to do.
Corrupted by its own sword , Excalaber, Merlins tool. Wizard , Warlord, not a fool.
Gravity constantly wanting ,
milking and slipping.
turning milk to cheese
, then matured prooooper deep.
inside a deep old cave ......very heavy and daaaark, moldy ting ,
fungi to be with.
Named Rockfort.
Not to come short.
lessons in life lead to improvement, groove to music.
learn from more.
Careful setter of the tone..this force was a strong vibrational place,
1 Elmgate.
Watch it take hold ,
weird human beings, exposed to the gravitational load.
Big planet livin,
exquisitely on spinners,
solar expedition.....
naughty missions.
Atomic mass,
splitting atoms, leading to a gravitational dilation , Time of the essence.

24/7 is constantly working.
Love connectss more .
One more day like lapped him, Jenson button.
sit and swivvle.
leap year this year.
Call it 366.
Stary eyed,
Pulled into a loophole, orbital spin,moon like a lead weight on a car wheel.
equinox, precession.
Tsunami, fatality of the fat old wave.
doont plunder under preasure whatever the weather, gravitifc warp and time to change, incredibly accurate, coded universal sensation , some sort of a test.
built beyond complexity.
had to be a supreme being
a welcome weapon ...
.. our zone is at least 14.5 billion years... iS fucking old
universal make large.
expand to observational.
James Webb Telescole.
double bubble like hubble,
inflation is infinite.
gross index,
calculate the rest
Artisitix licensee
get away with murder
catch of the day.
mental illness leads to a lack of ease,
disease like nit wit
very nitty flea.
, Remember not to fold or
buckle, this has space to displace the place. Stay afloat,
Bang out of order is the order of the past days elongate, Dusk to dawn.. I have been sectioned.
times 2
the resti is his-story thizs was my place! then turned to another Buckle
I rest my case.
Strong to say, however I said less
just not enough penny's in the chest.
my mate this is more important than doing the plates , garuutteed too come out in the wash,
German Wep, washing machine!! ...... critical mass is heavy damage, Milea.
Lovely machine,.
State of mind controlz, constant law of average,
a mean way to play.

Along over to the universal rules ,its these higher vibrational laws tthat dictate a happy dimmensinal place, multi verse is infinite. Bare possibilities.
lower forms of Wiggle, Big dipper,
organs belt got buckle,.
jiggle and form will disgrace and cause hate.
Just be kind and bring love along or move away.
You have no idea the levels you have set.
yet Droped like a stone ,
back to terminal velocity.
1/8th, darkside of the moon.
big Henry.
apparently that fat bastard was royalty.
King Tutt.
killed what he loved and moved on whatever.the storm,
Fuck the weather,
never learning from its mistakes.
I'd rather a bit of cake.
written by Rory Mayoh. 20/08/2024
© Rawkus Poetry