

Christmas Hobbies part 2
1.Cardboard Santa sleigh
This is super easy to do,all you need is some paint (Red and yellow),a cardboard box(size is your choice),tape and scissors. Cut the top of the 2 opposite sides into waves and cut off one fold of the box to make the front.Paint the outside in red.Its easier using a sponge.Pour some tap water into the paint and then pour it out on the cardboard. Use the sponge to spread and do 2 layers for each side.Paint the details with yellow.Attach the 3 remaining folds using tape.Add cushions and presents inside.

2.Diary writing
Keep a diary for all the amazing things that happened in December,and at Christmas,paste all the cute Christmas photos inside for good memories.

3.Wreath crowns
You'll need some wire,tinsel and tiny decorations. Twist the wire in a circle and wrap the tinsel around it.Using the leftover wire,attach tiny decorations.

Have a merry Christmas 🎅 🎄