

Mistakes Aren't Mistakes, They Are Teachers
“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes,” Oscar Wilde once had said. Mistakes - We all make them, an inevitable part of our life they are. We act, we mistake, we learn from them, we evolve. It is how true wisdom in life is attained, through making mistakes. Through doing things that shouldn't be done, through forgetting to do things that should be done.

I, as a human being, make a lot of mistakes. And that's what makes me a human being. Especially in my spiritual life. Sometimes I wonder if I belong to any kind of spirituality at all. I miss prayers, skip meditation sessions, and haven't listened to any affirmations in weeks. That's my spirituality.

Procrastination and laziness is my best friend when it comes to doing something productive. Although I'm far more productive now than I was a year ago – Yes, I have improved – But haven't become perfect.

Perfectionism is, indeed, a lie, I often remind myself, that it's a trap. I and you are not perfect, despite how good we are at doing something. No matter how experienced and skilled we are, WE ARE NOT PERFECT. No one is. Nothing in the universe ever was.

And that's what makes us human beings, the universal dusts drifting through the cosmos, rambling, unaware of our destiny. Does that even matter – Not being perfect, not being able to do perfect things? – Yes, it does. I'll repeat myself, that's what makes us what we are whatever we are, our imperfection.

And that's why we are perfect because we are perfectly imperfect.

If you are like me, a piece of dust wandering through the universe, an imperfect human being, or not, just something imperfect, living-breathing, or not, don't worry. Rather, be proud. Be proud of the sacred skill of making mistakes we have been given, doing things wrong, being imperfect.

God bless our imperfection.