

The Pickup

The instructions were clear:
'Go in, retrieve the package, don't look back.'
That simple.
He did everything right till he looked back.
It was then Thomas realized what he saw was very familiar.
It had been awhile since he had been in the area, and he thought that the only place that was safe from the virus was in that area.
He was not aware that it had been infected with the recent outbreak.

The moment he got the package and was leaving the room he had enter he was greeted at the door by a young boy who said that his mother had been waiting for him. The boy then asked Thomas if could help him find his way back to the hospital. When he was taken by surprise by a voice he heard from behind, turning around suddenly he regretted what he had done.

Thomas had been told that he would not be able to leave until he had been cleared by the district doctor. He had been informed that he was not going back home until after he got thoroughly examined and checked for symptoms. Also it was made very clear that the doctor would not be available until Monday; today was Saturday and he would not return until then.

The hospital has not responded to any further calls from anyone who may have been affected by this illness or any other related illness at this time.
His only choice was to stay and help the boy find his mother. After all that would lead him to the hospital which he where he needed to go. He turned around to address the boy who had suddenly disappeared.

Preparing to call out, realizing that he didn’t even know his name, he looked back and saw that the man had gone through the door and was not there anymore. The only way that he could find his way out was now boarded up, and he had no other way to exit the house without the door. Spinning in a circle looking for another door to exit the room was now void of any other windows or doors in which to exit.

Thomas stared at the package in his hand, wondering if he should open it and see if anything inside it would resolve his dilemma. He had already broken the only rule he had been given; under the circumstances he had nothing else to lose. Carefully removing the outer wrapping, he gently opened the box and look inside.

What he found was an insulated plastic box with several vials of blood and other fluids inside. He now nervously searched through the contents for clues about how to prevent the contamination of the samples in the container. The samples had not been tested and had not yet been analyzed by technicians or other medical experts.

Wondering how to preserve the contents until Monday when the doctor would return was his next thought. A couple of days before he would be able to get back to his normal routine. This was a side hustle for some extra money; it hadn’t gone as smoothly as expected. Then, that was the last thing he would ever remember.

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