

Somethings to tell- part-1
Never, really ever...

If you ever see a portal even in your dreams never try to enter because like me you might bump into someone, with grey skin.

In this story that I am about to tell started when I was a kid. You all have heard that some kids are sensitive to unknown things, maybe I was one of them. I couldn't see them but I do felt the goosebumps. Sometimes I heard the music and sometimes the ringing of bells. That time I didn't felt them mostly. I don't remember much about my childhood though but I remember I once saw something weird in the sky during afternoon. I was nine then. I don't know what was it but I know aeroplanes or helicopter don't look like it.

Soon in my teens, I guess that feeling grew. The feeling that I'm being watched. The feeling of unknown movement in the air. I always ignored it. But once I tried to hear things, I closed my eyes and closed my ears. I could hear everything going around me. I started seeing my surroundings in my sleep, I could sense the things happening in my room, in my sleep. I called my this situation, “Half-awake” because I couldn't move. I was just seeing things in my sleeping position.

You all might have heard that ghosts follow those who are lonely and mostly alone everytime. I guess I was one of them too. I don't know when I turned into a loner. I do, started gaining consciousness in my dreams too. The feeling, that it's a dream not real world, I could do whatever I want. This is called “Lucid dreaming”. I mostly had dreams about something destructive, weird things, my parallel self/possibilities, maybe some were about past lives or maybe not. That's just my guess. But the dreams started feeling real and I once had a dream that the sky was looking pale yellow and a u.f.o. crashed behind my house. I don't know why I got scared, maybe because the next day I saw the sky same as it was in my dream. So if the dream was true, how I should prevent it, I thought. I decided not to on the rooftop where I saw that happening in my dream. Nothing happened. I started feeling if I was just thinking too much, maybe I did.

One morning, I was sleeping. Again that “Half-awake”. No one was their except me. But I felt someone was pulling my leg and I woke up. My leg felt numb that time.

To be continued...

© XxStarwarexX

Based on true story...