

Gello's journal


My name is GELATO. Yeah! What a weird name. It's Italian for ice cream. My grandma gave it to me hoping that I would be a sweet and cool girl. But I turned out to be a rather cold kid. Jokes on you grandma. My grandma was a baker. ( isn't that obvious? ) She was born and brought up in a village that's far away from my hometown. ( I mean faaaaaaaar) She moved back to her village after I turned 10. She said she's going to bring back her childhood or something. I don't really remember that speech she gave us at the dinner table before leaving. I was so sleepy and it was kind of boring. So what I am trying to say is that, I don't like it here. Yeah the village! I am in that old fashioned, boring, technology untouched ( is that even a word? Oh it's two words…! And I am pathetic at writing) village Now! They don't have proper connectivity here. I will have to climb all those steps to the rooftop to make a phone call. Which is impossible since I broke my leg. Yeah that's why I am actually here. I had an accident, broke my leg and hurt my head. Loud noises make me feel terrible and my doctor advised me to take rest in a calm environment. ( Really doctor??? This is too calm for me). So I am literally trapped in a 17th century timezone ( I don't know what the 17th century looks like. But I am sure they didn't have instagram there. So, same Shakespeare, I feel u. Did he live in the 17th century??? Why do I keep repeating this word? I think I REALLY hurt my head back then. ) oh so the point is that, the doctor also advised me to keep a journal while I am here. And grandma brought a vintage looking book for me. ( I think it's not just vintage looking , it must be really old, like from the 17th century) . Is my grandma friends with Shakespeare? What's wrong with me? Why is Shakespeare here, from all those people? ? So I'll be writing notes in this old book from now on. Who knows, I would beat Mr William one day with my amazing writing. Be ready, weird beard dude, I am coming for you. I think I should sleep before I challenge einstein. Bye book. Why am I talking to a book now? Sigh!

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