

POV - Tierra Elio

"My name is Tierra. I was working as an engineer in the UK. It was rare for me to come to visit my parents. Now I am here after my parents' death. Even if I am getting old, I thought I could spend the remained of my life here. Actually, I am from a small village, but I never liked that village. The people here were farmers. They mostly produced corn farming because it was suitable land. Since my childhood, cornfields have been a part of my life. However, it was a bit different from my parents' land. My house was near a specific dry hill area where there was fertile land, only suitable for a cornfield. My parents loved this place, while other villagers called it a cursed valley. However, I didn't care about that because nothing unusual happened until one day, I heard strange noises from the cornfield. Day by day, it was getting annoying, so I decided to check it out. But that was a regretful moment.

# I never should have gone into that cornfield.

It was a hot summer day, and I was feeling restless. I decided to take a walk through the fields near my house, hoping to clear my mind. As I wandered through the tall stalks of corn, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching me.

I tried to brush off the feeling, telling myself it was just my imagination. But as I walked deeper into the field, the feeling only grew stronger. I could hear the rustling of the corn stalks around me, as if something was moving through them.

I quickened my pace, trying to find my way out of the maze-like field. But no matter which direction I turned, I seemed to only get more lost. Panic began to set in as I realized I was completely disoriented.

That's when I saw it. A figure standing at the edge of the field, just barely visible through the thick rows of corn. It was tall and thin, with long, spindly arms that seemed to reach out towards me. I froze in terror, unable to move as the figure began to slowly make its way towards me.

I turned and ran, pushing my way through the corn as fast as I could. But no matter how fast I ran, the figure seemed to always be right behind me. I could hear its ragged breathing, feel its icy breath on the back of my neck.

Just when I thought I couldn't run any longer, I burst through the edge of the field and collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath. I looked back towards the cornfield, but the figure was gone.

I never went back to that field again. But sometimes, late at night, I can still hear the rustling of the corn stalks and the sound of that figure's footsteps behind me. And I know that whatever it was, it's still out there, waiting for its prey .

© canon77