

My talk with God
I begged to the Lord to keep my soul, he told me "I would if it werent black as coal".

Lord: It's lost as if in the ocean, to deep, to dark, beyond even his sight, he asked me why I wouldn't fight in the face of whats wrong for what I know to be right.

I replied: Lord I was unsure and confused I didnt know how.

Lord: Boy you should have been a lawyer, let your lies take a bow.

Lord: Your the worst of them all, you've never been confused, you've never been unsure, you've always known how, and I can see in your past, you portray your self big, but your incredibly small.

I replied: I'm sorry Lord but I needed someone, a friend. I lied and I lied, tried and I tried, but not one stayed not till the end.

Lord: Not a single soul did you ever fully let in, bending people with lies is your greatest sin.

I replied: Lord I could not let one see who I am, I've never been good my life is a sham.

Lord: Thats why you'll spend eternity alone my son, never a frend or someone to love till your penance is done.