

Moonlight: Chapter 1
"pick up, pick up, pick up" I groaned why isn't he answering his phone, damn it!.
"the number you are calling is not available", what is wrong with him, I've warned him several times to always pick up his phone but he never listens. As of on cue, my phone rang and I answered it immediately when I saw the caller.
"Nick?, where are you?!!" I asked quickly.
"B...babe?, ga...te" he said quietly and I don't need to be told twice, I rushed outside and opened the gate only to see Nick covered in blood, not again. I helped him inside and took him to the room, I brought out my surgery kit and did what I've been doing the past five years, removing bullet from his body.
I still remember the first time I met him, I just recen started working at the community health center. I was at home that evening listening to the news when I heard the doorbell ring, I wasn't expecting any visitors so I took my baseball bat with me and opened the door only to see Nick covered in blood. The second I opened the door that day I knew there was no turning back.
Nick was now asleep, I brought out the bullet from the shoulder and luckily he didn't get any serious injuries from the bullet. You may ask, why are you still with him after five years?, what made you help him?, why are you endangering yourself?. it's because of that stupid feeling called love.

#Writcostorychallenge #relationship
*stay tuned for the next chapter*